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Carbon Fiber Arms?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2018 10:59 am
by wepollock
Just wondering if the carbon fiber arms are in the works @ seemecnc?

Re: Carbon Fiber Arms?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 8:07 am
by Jimustanguitar
My guess would be no. The injection molded arms are something that they can make and modify for in house production, while carbon arms are usually something that requires assembly on a jig and gluing. For the forces that printers see while they're working, the glass filled plastic is more than sufficient for the job, so there's not really a deficiency to fix.

That being said, I have carbon arms on both of my Rostock style machines. I'm good buddies with Trick Laser, and their products are awesome. It's a nice mod that really cleans up the look, and years ago when you had to sand the arms to get the right u-joint clearance it was the most elegant way to do it consistently. Now that the glass filled arms hinge on a balljoint, I feel like there's less need, so it's mostly done for weight reduction and looks.

Re: Carbon Fiber Arms?

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 2:10 pm
by Kethku
@Jimustanguitar Any chance you could ask the Trick Laser folks (or folk I guess its just one person?) why the trick trucks are no longer available? I am having troubles with my rostock's cheap skates and wanted to replace them with trick trucks, but can't get them anymore :(

Re: Carbon Fiber Arms?

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:03 pm
by wepollock
Thanks for the feedback.. I am looking for the added rigidity that the carbon fiber arms afford.