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Filament Give-away!

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2018 10:02 pm
by kraegar
Filament give-away!

I'm going to give away a free spool of Atomic PLA or PETG filament! (Winners choice of type and color, standard PLA or PETG only)

One free spool of filament, for whoever comes up with the lowest BOM for a RailCore 300 ZL!

Here are the rules:
1) You must be a member of the RailCore Printers Owners and Builders Facebook Group
2) You must use the RailCore 300ZL BOM linked here as a source:…/1ePSq-bL4-4rG ... ftXP…/edit
3) All prices must include a link to the website for verification. You do NOT need to include shipping.
4) The controller must remain a Duet
5) The parts must essentially remain the same. Like items can be substituted, but you can't modify the functionality. (So you can switch the extrusion from Misumi 1515 to Bob's cheap extrusion emporium, and self-cut it, but it has to stay 1515, you can't use something else in its place)
6) It must be a complete BOM - if you can't find a cheaper part, just leave in the original from the spreadsheet.

To enter, private message me a link to your BOM entry (Don't post it publicly, or others can just copy it and lowball you one item!)

I'll announce the winner on Friday, March 30th.

Re: Filament Give-away!

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 10:59 am
by kraegar
Clarification of the rules for this contest:

This is for a US Dollar BOM

Any like for like part substitutions are fine. If you want to get linear rails from Robotdigg, alieexpress, etc. that's fine. But you can't switch the MGN12 to MGN9, for example.