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Gaps in top & bottom surfaces

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2017 7:01 pm
by TN Yankee
I'm new to KISS since 1.6.1, and am trying to figure out how to close up the gaps in the top & bottom surfaces. I've tried changing the extrusion multiplier ("flow tweak") from 0.9 - 1.0, the extrusion width 0.60 - 0.66 (0.60 nozzle), and the infill extrusion width from 0.72 - 0.60.

With a flow tweak of 0.98, the walls are ~0.66mm, but outside dimensions are about 0.15mm too small.

The program's terminology is different, and so it's not real obvious to me if the infill extrusion width affects top & bottom solid surfaces, or not, or what other settings might be the cause.

I have had this issue in S3D previously, but not as noticeable. That could imply either a hardware problem, or just me messing with the wrong parameters.

Printer is V2, Duet Ethernet with 1.19 f/w, Haydn Huntley 307mm mag arms, Duet SmartEffector with genuine E3D hot-end. Filament is MakerGeek's black PETG, measured at 1.74. All parts in these pix are 0.30 layer height, including first layer.

Any help would be appreciated. I'd like to try printing some molds for silicone, and obviously need a smoother surface.
Top surface (PETG is translucent). Can easily see layer below.
Top surface (PETG is translucent). Can easily see layer below.
Bottom surface
Bottom surface
Another top surface
Another top surface

Re: Gaps in top & bottom surfaces

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 5:11 pm
by Xenocrates
Apologies for letting this get away from us, but I believe that given it's multiple pieces of software, you need to calibrate the extruder properly. 626 pilot has a wonderful calibration thread here:

Re: Gaps in top & bottom surfaces

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2017 8:06 pm
by TN Yankee
Thanks, Xenocrates. Yes, that's what I've done, basically "back to square one." I re-measured the filament, re-cal'd the extruder, and went through his thread. While the X & Y aren't as close to each other as I'd like, they are sufficiently good for now. In the future, I hope to replace all the melamine with aluminum framing.

Thanks for the reply!

Re: Gaps in top & bottom surfaces

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 8:33 am
by mhackney
What was the result of tuning our extruder's esteps? Your photos and description and KISS settings tell me that your extruder calibration is off. Also, please watch my KISSlicer 1.6 YouTube tutorial videos. I've already completed a video on perimeters/loops which will also help you quite a bit. I am working on one that deals with understanding infill, etc. The "Crown" tutorial is also helpful to fill small gaps and worth understanding. As for terminology, I'm working on a Universal Slicer Terminology Translator (USTT) blog post.

Re: Gaps in top & bottom surfaces

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:13 pm
by TN Yankee
Sorry for the belated reply, gentlemen. Yes, re-tuning my EZR e-steps generally resolved the glaring issues I posted above. I've already run the temperature wizard on some different PETG from what I used above, and will run the flow rate soon.

Michael - thanks for your tutorials here over the years, as well as your new KISS series.