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KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:32 am
by mhackney
I'll update these after 1.5 ships. I know that there is a new feature in the windows 1.5 beta not in the mac (I've tested it on windows) that allows you to configure the suck and prime speeds separately. Jonathan added that at my request and it works great.

These are for my Rostock Max v1 running either a Kraken or E3D-V6 (I treat both these the same in configs).
mhackney KISS
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Re: KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:47 pm
by lehthanis
Just placed my order for my Rostock Max v2...what changes will I need to make to get KISSlicer to work with the v2? Thanks for doing all this legwork!

Re: KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:38 pm
by mhackney
The config files will work EXCEPT that I am configured for a Kraken hot end with a .4 mm orifice. It is easy enough to change the few things that need to be changed. The machine geometry and bed size, etc are good to go.

Re: KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 11:01 pm
by crocky
I have made a few changes to suit a standard hotend and ABS and I am impressed with the printer output now :)
E3D Mounting
E3D Mounting
Hmmmmm, Upside down.... Click the piccy to see it right side up :)

Re: KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 11:10 am
by mhackney
Well, you are Down Under! I just assumed that is how you print down there :)

Looks great!


Re: KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Mon May 04, 2015 6:27 pm
by crocky
Never thought of that :)

Thanks Michael...

Re: KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:21 am
by jsnbrgg
mhackney wrote:The config files will work EXCEPT that I am configured for a Kraken hot end with a .4 mm orifice. It is easy enough to change the few things that need to be changed. The machine geometry and bed size, etc are good to go.

I just downloaded KISS to try for the 1st time. I'm very new to the 3D world. Can you tell me exactly which settings I need to update for the stock hotend on my Rostock Max v2?


Re: KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:18 pm
by aerouta
mhackney wrote:I'll update these after 1.5 ships. I know that there is a new feature in the windows 1.5 beta not in the mac (I've tested it on windows) that allows you to configure the suck and prime speeds separately. Jonathan added that at my request and it works great.

These are for my Rostock Max v1 running either a Kraken or E3D-V6 (I treat both these the same in configs).
mhackney KISS

mhackney, do you use the "default" setting? It has the travel speed at 500 mm/s.

Re: KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:37 pm
by mhackney
No, I posted some KISS config files here, take a look at them. I have such a modified Rostock now that I can't really post my configs and expect them to work for anyone else.

Re: KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 8:37 am
by karlozh
hey Mhackney, I was looking at some post on the new RMax v3 and you post your kisslicer settings there, and I was wondering if by any chance you can post some updated settings for an e3d v6 + duet wifi Rmax or Max Metal pretty please?

Re: KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 9:04 am
by mhackney
The problem is, I don't have a standard machine to test this configuration. That said, the only thing you really need to change are the Extrusion Width and Infill Extrusion Width to 0.4mm on the Style tab. The retract settings, temperatures, and everything else should be just fine. The V6 has similar retract characteristics to the HE280. If you find you get a little blobbing, then increase the retract to 2mm but leave the retract speeds alone.

This should be a good profile for the V6.

Just so everyone knows, there really is no magic in creating a workable printer profile for any printer on nearly any slicer (although some slicers are easier to get in the ball park than others). You basically need to know a few things:

Hot End
- Nozzle diameter: this gives you extrusion widths for infill and perimeter. Later when you have experience or special parts to slice, you can muck with these widths to get better results. This also gives you guidance for the layer thickness. Keep it simple and use the same layer thickness for the first and all layers. My rule of thumb is about 50% of the nozzle diameter. So for a .5 and .4 nozzle, I like .2mm layers.
- Always start conservative with retract lengths. 1mm/s works on most all metal hot end designs. Older PEEK hot ends need more but don't overdo it as you can create all sorts of jamming problems.
- You will always be safe with 25mm/s retract speed for PLA and 50mm/s for ABS

Printer mechanics
- number of extruders (1 in most cases and if you are just starting out, start with 1
- bed geometry (round vs rectangular) (round for deltas)
- bed size (diameter for deltas)
- bed center (0,0 for deltas)
- Max height/Z (your maximum Z)
- Z Lift: 1-5mm is good for deltas. I use 4mm.

- Repetier/Marlin compatible
- I lie to use Relative Extrusion
- Speeds: start moderate, 50mm/s for everything except first layer. 20mm/s first layer maximum speed. Again, you tweak these later when you have experience.

- set filament diameter. Best to measure it. 1.75mm is the standard for our printers but measure each roll!
- temperature - 195-200°C for PLA, 215-225°C for ABS is in the ball park. I use 195° PLA and 220° ABS for most things. Use the same temperatures for all layers to start.

These really are the basics. So if you came to me with a Rostock or Rostock like (Max Metal) printer with a V6 hot end and .4mm nozzle I'd start with the KISS profile I posted above and simply change the things the .4mm nozzle affects.

Re: KISS 1.5 beta configuration files

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:00 am
by karlozh
Thank you so much.