Hi from Delaware!

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Hi from Delaware!

Post by cassetti »

Hello fellow members!

Mike here from Wilmington Delaware.

I'll keep it short, Been working for a small IT company nearby for the past 9 years, boss finally decided to jump into the 3D printing world by buying me a Makerbot Replicator last september. I was tasked with setting it up and using it, though it really is more of a toy than anything actually useful to our company (arent I so lucky). Anyway, within days I was hooked! I started the process of specing out my first printer (Prusa i2 built from scratch).

Results were mixed, the printer 'worked' and I was pleased with that - but problems have developed to the point where I've decided it wasn't worth fixing. Fast forward to 4 months later, Here I am.

After much research into the kits on the market, I settled on the Rostock MAX since I had dreamed of owning a Delta printer since I saw Johan's Rostock on youtube. I purchased the MAX last monday, currently waiting for the shipping notice.

I'm sure you'll be hearing MUCH more from me in the comming months, I can be a pretty active member on forums sometimes..... Just let me know if i'm too much of a pain in the rear!
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Re: Hi from Delaware!

Post by Flateric »

Hey! Welcome, I am about 1 week ahead of where you are at this point. Spent a good 5 hours or so today building and wiring. It'll be a long week for ya! LOL

(We can can annoy each other ok, HA)

"Now you see why evil will always triumph! Because good is dumb." - Spaceballs
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Re: Hi from Delaware!

Post by cassetti »

Heh, thanks!

Unfortunately, I suspect the package will not arrive before Thursday (if it does ship today or tomorrow), of course my wife decided this is the weekend we're going to get away for a short vacation.
Just knowing that printer is sitting there begging to be built is going to kill me!
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