Hello from San Diego

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Posts: 34
Joined: Thu Oct 20, 2016 4:17 pm

Hello from San Diego

Post by RichWP »

Hi everyone!

I just bought a Rostock Max V3 Kit, and I am really looking forward to putting it together - hopefully in time for the new year... :-)

I'm not new to 3D printing - I own a Cartesian-style printer - but I am new to deltas. I love the RMV3's large print volume, as I print helmets and other big items that I (currently) need to break up into smaller parts and assemble. I also model my own custom pieces in Modo and Fusion 360, and even after a year, I still get a rush from seeing my creations come to life.

With no doubt, I'm sure that I will be seeking help and advice from all of you in the coming weeks! Thanks in advance, and hope to return the favor whenever I can.

Happy holidays,

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