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SlicerShare database, anybody using it?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:44 pm
by Jimustanguitar" onclick=";return false;

SGraber gets the credit for this find. Thanks man!

Re: SlicerShare database, anybody using it?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 11:54 am
by skjain2
Thanks for posting- I am the creator of Just launched it a couple days back, with data from a set of beta users. Check it out and let me know what you think! New profiles being uploaded every day :)

Re: SlicerShare database, anybody using it?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:52 pm
by Jimustanguitar
Just uploaded my standard slicing profile. Funny that this just launched, I was thinking about the need that this fills a lot recently. I did a jotform survey a long time ago and was maintaining a (very small) collection of responses, and on my MakerSpace's home forum I just made a sticky thread to dump settings and profiles in ( ... -materials" onclick=";return false; ). I hope that your platform becomes a great resource for our community, we definitely need it!

A tip... where you have the checkboxes for supports and brim, a third variant called a raft is pretty common.
You may also want to have a drop down for nozzle diameter because that will be an important filtering criteria when there are a lot more entries. Here's my brain dump on the things you might want to collect and be able to filter by:

Nozzle diameter
Print Temperature
Heated bed yes or no (and temp?)
Delta or Cartesian (or other, there are polar machines and all kinds of other ones out there)

Some of them matter to slicers, and some of them are just in the generated GCode based on the printer settings that you specify in that particular program.

Another idea: If you can tease out a list of settings that are the same across all of the slicing platforms (nozzle diameter, temperature, speed, retracts, infill, etc) it would be cool to make a slicing profile creator or converter to make it easier to try other programs. For example, I use Cura and have it dialed in pretty well. If I wanted to try Craftware as a test, I'd have to manually enter all of my Cura settings which is tedious and error prone (plus some of the same settings have slightly different labels). It would be awesome if I could say "these are my settings, give me a config file for slicer x" and generate them on the fly and switch between them that easily.

Re: SlicerShare database, anybody using it?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:06 pm
by skjain2
Thanks so much for trying it out! Here's your profile's permalink:" onclick=";return false;

I agree with your suggested filters and put them on the ToDo list (including a brim- I have raft included at the moment). Some experimentation has showed that people won't fill out a huge form, so have to strike a bit of a balance. What I'd like to do is scan the uploaded file to get some common settings and ask only for the uncommon ones.

You and I are on the same page with a converter. In fact, it took me switching from Slic3r on Repetier to Cura on MatterHackers to get my k8200 working correctly. I wish I could just use all my printers with the software package I like. There should be no reason we can't switch things up a bit. I'll be posting more about that as things develop :)

Re: SlicerShare database, anybody using it?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:07 pm
by Jimustanguitar
That's a great idea... parse the settings out of the config file that gets uploaded. Yes please!

So this is all about sharing settings so far. What about using them. Short of cloud slicing like AstroPrint does, do you envision a way to keep your config files in the cloud and slice with your cloud-config across multiple computers without having to download multiple local copies?

Re: SlicerShare database, anybody using it?

Posted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 4:27 pm
by skjain2
Short answer on using the settings is YES. The issue is making sure you have a good set of settings and there's not too many steps to use them. One requires having a critical mass of good settings and the other might require changing the slicers themselves. Still noodling on how to best approach that :) I'm open to ideas?