How to secure the wires in the Rambo power supply.

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How to secure the wires in the Rambo power supply.

Post by MARSTECH »

The title pretty much sums it up. Any suggestions?
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Re: How to secure the wires in the Rambo power supply.

Post by dtgriscom »

Well, the same-colored wires all connect to the same point in the PS, so you can bundle each color of unused wires together and heat-shrink the live ends of each bundle. Then roll up all the bundles and zip-tie the whole shebang.

I was going to prune all the unneeded wires off, and a number of forum members agreed. However, someone else noted that if you neatly bundled the unused wires in the middle of the base then you'd never see them, and if you ever needed one it would be there. The latter was the argument that held the day. (Haven't needed them yet, but someday...)

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