NEW Guy not able to get past calibration setting

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Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2014 2:19 am

NEW Guy not able to get past calibration setting

Post by bmadrid »

Hello; great to have someone to talk to for both conversationa and support. Now for the problem, I just finished assembling my Rostock Max V2 printer loadd the firmware and imediatly upon powering up the XYZ steppers went to the end stops. Good to see it all working! However it never stops now the LCD readout every 10 secs or so keeps resetting the EStops, readout *RESETTING/E-STOP)
I let it run for awhile "Thinking it would self calibrate" but to no avail I tried to caliberate from Repetir software and it doesnt cant seem to get past this "Loop" the following is the G code readout. please help:

00:09:58.464 : OpenGL version:4.2.0
00:09:58.464 : OpenGL renderer:GeForce GTX 675M/PCIe/SSE2
00:09:58.464 : Using fast VBOs for rendering is possible
00:11:00.471 : start
00:11:01.011 : N1 M110 *2
00:11:01.011 : N1 M110 *2
00:11:01.011 : N2 M115 *4
00:11:01.011 : N3 M111 S6 *68
00:11:01.071 : N4 M105 *3
00:11:01.481 : N5 M111 S6 *66
00:11:01.501 : N6 M80 *61
00:11:01.501 : N7 M80 *60
00:11:01.651 : Free RAM:1143
00:11:01.651 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00
00:11:03.762 : SD init fail
00:11:04.122 : N1 M110 *2
00:11:04.122 : N1 M110 *2
00:11:04.122 : N2 M115 *4
00:11:04.122 : N3 M111 S6 *68
00:11:04.132 : N4 M111 S6 *67
00:11:04.142 : N5 M80 *62
00:11:04.142 : N6 M105 *1
00:11:04.602 : Resetting Machine
00:11:05.452 : start
00:11:05.982 : N1 M110 *2
00:11:05.982 : N1 M110 *2
00:11:05.982 : N2 M115 *4
00:11:05.982 : N3 M111 S6 *68
00:11:05.992 : N4 M111 S6 *67
00:11:06.002 : N5 M80 *62
00:11:06.762 : Free RAM:1143
00:11:06.762 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00
00:11:07.182 : N6 M105 *1
00:11:08.872 : SD init fail
00:11:09.722 : Resetting Machine
00:11:10.242 : N7 M105 *0
00:11:10.572 : start
00:11:11.112 : N1 M110 *2
00:11:11.112 : N1 M110 *2
00:11:11.112 : N2 M115 *4
00:11:11.112 : N3 M111 S6 *68
00:11:11.112 : N4 M111 S6 *67
00:11:11.122 : N5 M80 *62
00:11:11.873 : Free RAM:1143
00:11:11.873 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00
00:11:13.303 : N6 M105 *1
00:11:13.993 : SD init fail
00:11:14.843 : extruder 0: temp sensor defect
00:11:14.843 : heated bed: working
00:11:14.853 : Error:Printer set into dry run mode until restart!
00:11:14.883 : Resetting Machine
00:11:15.723 : start
00:11:16.243 : N1 M110 *2
00:11:16.243 : N1 M110 *2
00:11:16.243 : N2 M115 *4
00:11:16.243 : N3 M111 S6 *68
00:11:16.253 : N4 M111 S6 *67
00:11:16.263 : N5 M80 *62
00:11:16.353 : N6 M105 *1
00:11:17.033 : Free RAM:1143
00:11:17.033 : X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:0.00 E:0.00
00:11:19.413 : N7 M105 *0
00:11:22.474 : N8 M105 *15
Posts: 210
Joined: Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:15 pm
Location: Wakefield, MA

Re: NEW Guy not able to get past calibration setting

Post by dtgriscom »

bmadrid wrote:00:11:08.872 : SD init fail
Looks like there's a problem with the SD card, or the SD card reader, which is in the LCD. Possible problems:
  • There's a bad SD card in the socket; if you have inserted one, remove it
  • There's a connection problem between the RAMBo and the LCD: make sure the adaptor board is correctly built, the cables are correctly installed, and the board is put on the correct pins
  • There's a problem with the firmware itself. Reload the firmware using the Arduino development environment.
Good luck,
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Apr 17, 2014 2:19 am

Re: NEW Guy not able to get past calibration setting

Post by bmadrid »

What a preocess :oops: I learned a ton here first of all I suceeded in misswiering enough to trash my controller and had replaced it as well as an extruder motor (Motor was bad from the suplier) Now it is running like a bandit!!!! BIG issue though the large format ABS prints potato chip REAL bad so much so that the base demalminates from the glass. I have tired:
heating the base plate to 110-1120deg C
Purple glue (thought there was not adequate adhesion)
Kapton (Like Makerbot)
Both Katon and purle glue
ABS Solution with acetone (Worked to hold but not to stop potato chipping)

Help :)
Posts: 16
Joined: Wed Sep 10, 2014 5:48 am

Re: NEW Guy not able to get past calibration setting

Post by Tropicalsq744 »

Have you solved the sd card issue?

I had the same problem. got the sd card init error. It was caused by plugging the LCD header (B) the wrong way. Once i inserted it correctly everything worked.
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