Replaced my hot end, and now I can't get the Z axis to lower all of the way.

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Replaced my hot end, and now I can't get the Z axis to lower all of the way.

Post by rootboy »

Hi guys,

A couple of weeks ago little Stephanie asked me if I could print out a skull (of all things she could have picked...), and I said sure, here we go!

The first thing was that the moment that I turned on the heaters, the printer died. After fiddling with it a bit I got it going, but then the extruder clogged up, and we got nothing.

So I lurked around here, and decided to replace it with a Prometheus hot end with the Trick Laser mounting plates. Sweet!

I downloaded the SeeMeCNC version of the firmware (0.92.2), set my printer to "2" (I have a Max V2), configured it to used the different thermistor that comes with the Prometheus, built it, uploaded it to the controller, and now the head won't go all of the way down so I can set my Z axis.

I checked the forum here, and several others, but I haven't found a fix yet.

Here are my .h changes:

Code: Select all

#define PRINTER [color=#0080FF]2[/color]  (was 5, but I have a V2)
#define MIN_DEFECT_TEMPERATURE [color=#0080FF]10[/color] (it was too chilly to get the printer to heat up)
#define EXT0_TEMPSENSOR_TYPE [color=#0080FF]8[/color]  (was 97, but the Prometheus uses a different thermistor)
I had replaced the Viotek power supply with an Astron RS-35M that I had laying around. No more concerns with the power supply at least. I had seen the lines concerning the power supply selection:

Code: Select all

// 1 = ATX on older machines  2 = Rail style PSU on newer machines ############################
#define POWER_SUPPLY 2
And so I left that setting alone since it was more or less a 25+ year old "modern" power supply. :)

So now some details on the specific problem.

The printer was "banging" when it was sent to home until I sent it home from the Rambo controller. Then it smoothed out and has been working fine since. Still scratching my head about that one.

The main problem, is that once homed, the Z axis is set to +250mm, and I can drive it down to -100mm but no further. I tried changing the:

Code: Select all

#define Z_MAX_LENGTH 350
to a higher number (and then rebuilt and uploaded the firmware), but whatever I do, it makes no difference.

I'm using MatterControl, but I have tried Repetier and Cura as well.

Thanks guys!
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Re: Replaced my hot end, and now I can't get the Z axis to lower all of the way.

Post by joe »

Did you clear the eeprom first? OR you could set you z height right in the eeprom.
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Re: Replaced my hot end, and now I can't get the Z axis to lower all of the way.

Post by rootboy »

Hmmm, I did once... But that was way back when at the beginning of this adventure. I was having other issues and forgot to make that one of the steps prior to each build. Doh!

For the longest time whenever I sent a home command, the unit would lift an inch or so, and then call that home. Eventually it would work its way down to where I would have a crash on my hands if I wasn't careful. Stopping the Repetier server fixed that nonsense.

So how do I set it in the eeprom?

That makes sense, I'll give it a try when I get back home. Thanks!
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Re: Replaced my hot end, and now I can't get the Z axis to lower all of the way.

Post by rootboy »

That was it! Many, many, thanks! :)
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