UPGRADE PROBLEM with X and Y now not working

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UPGRADE PROBLEM with X and Y now not working

Post by czecht »

I have RostockMAX, the original, lets call it V1 - purchased it sometimes 3.5 years or so ago as a kit that I've assembled and was working very well!
I ordered the upgrade kit for the new HE280, a week ago, and I had to change everything from Cheapskates all the way to the new HE280
My Rambo is old - v1.1b
I've downloaded the newest Firmware from here on Sunday, V0.92.2 and installed it - no problem - and I made no other changes but the direction of Z - please see bellow.
I did not plug or unplug any wires for the End Stops or to the Nema motors.
I also made sure that I had no static charge before I touched anything around!
I followed the instructions how to connect the wires to the socket, that plugs into the HE280 (I had my good friend Hari help me, just to make sure that we measured everything several times before cutting existing wires and after I soldered the wires ...)
When I powered up the first time, the Z was going down, not up, -BUT the X and Y did NOT MOVE AT ALL!- so I had to change the #define INVERT_Z_DIR from 1 to 0 [Thank you Wade Wendorf!] (I've learned that this is normal)
BUT I was not able to get my Y and X to work at all! They also aren't LOCKED (what I mean is that the Z tower can't be moved by hand at all, the Nema is engaged, or what ever is the correct name for it, so I can't push the Z UP or DOWN), BUT the Y and X are FREE TO MOVE, just like if my printer isn't turned on at all!
The second observation I've made is that under the old Firmware, my LCD booted fast, but now sometimes is as fast as it was before, but many times it is MUCH SLOWER to boot! Have anyone out there noticed such a problem? - if it is a problem, I do not know....-
When I used the MatterControl, I wanted to see if I can move the XYZ, but only Z responds not the X or Y!
Remember, this printer was working fine under the older version Firmware, 0.92.x (I do not remember what was before the 0.92.2, sorry)
The bed preheats just fine, the HotEnd Fan is on all the time, the Hot End works fine, but I can't HOME from the LCD at all or from the MatterControl!
At this point I do not know what else I can try and I'm open to any suggestions.
Thank you all in an advance!
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