Rostock time

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Rostock time

Post by jbinion »

So I am biting the bullet and doing a rostock. Ordered the ramps kit, mega 2560 and I have drivers so that part is heading in the right direction. I have motors and pretty much everything else and am having the frame cut out on a friends CNC wood router. So, questions: T-slot vs round stock? I have 20 mm round from another project along with 20 linear bearings so that would save me a little. Pros/cons?
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Re: Rostock time

Post by Eaglezsoar »

Your question really should go to a forum for those who are developing their own version of a delta printer.
You would get better results in this forum: ... m/deltabot
Last edited by Eaglezsoar on Mon May 06, 2013 6:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rostock time

Post by jbinion »

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Re: Rostock time

Post by dbarrans »

I wouldn't worry about that. We have many posters here who've been talking about everything from modifications to SeeMeCNC's kit to fully custom-designed printers using the same basic design. Almost all of these discussions have helped us learn about the technology and improve our own machines and techniques.

- dan
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Re: Rostock time

Post by Eaglezsoar »

After re-reading my answer, I guess I did come across as a smart $*# but that was not my intent.
My intent was too get him to a forum where everyone there are doing home brew delta printers, I felt that he
could get better support there. I apologize for my comment and everyone who is a regular on here knows that
I always help where I can. This one just came out bad which truly was not my intent. Special apologies to Jim Binion. :oops:
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Re: Rostock time

Post by Eaglezsoar »

On a more helpful note. Jim, you have started out well with the Ramps. I have at least two and I prefer them over the Rambo simply because
you can change out the driver chips. You already have the 20mm rods and bearings so it makes a lot of financial sense to go that route. They
certainly should be beefy enough to handle the Rostock. There is a user named Billy who has designed a rod based Rostock and he has a blog
that contains a lot of information on how he did it. There are also a lot of Thingiverse parts made for a rod based Rostock that you should check
out. The link to Billy's Rostock is ... plete.html
I wish I could be more help but the reason I went with a kit is that I simply don't have the smarts to attempt something like this without a kit.
I would consider it an honor to have you post your pictures as you progress, maybe this old brain of mine could learn something from watching
your build. Always do a lot of Google searches to aid in your build, I have found it to one the best ways to get the information I need. The
information is there, it's just so scattered that the only place it can come together is via a good search engine. You are always welcome here
if you can put up with old farts like me. Seriously though, my area of expertise is electronics not the mechanicals but I can help you with the
electronics if you need that sort of help.
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