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Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:57 am
by bubbasnow
Chrissi wrote:Bubba,
On the new laptop with Win 8.1 it stuffs it in the C:\programsx86\ folder. But I also tried it on my trusty Vaio running XP with same result. Both laptops also have software,routines, IDE & USB drivers for 4D Systems displays that also use the Arduino IDE. That is the only recent change/addition I can think of.
My last desperate step is going to be putting a virgin Arduino IDE on another laptop running XP that has never had either, then try to compile. That does not make sense to me though because I thought compile is entirely an internal event between the IDE and the sketch folder. Is there anything in the IDE other than MEGA 2560 and COM port to set or check?

Thanks, Chrissi
when you connect to your RAMBo what device is showing up in the device manager connected to usb?

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:03 am
by mhackney
Chrissi, a couple of questions:

Were you able to compile the firmware in Arduino BEFORE downloading the new sources?

I literally just installed the IDE and the firmware on Windows XP yesterday, configured the board and connection type and all was fine. I suspect there is some environmental issue. What version of Arduino IDE are you running?

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:28 am
by Chrissi
Running IDE 1.0.5 r2 under Win8.1 & XP
Yes, it all worked wonderfully, printer worked great until I decided to recalibrate. I D/L'd the new firmware which at the time had the Y tower motor reversed. It crashed and I changed the Configuration.h to make that motor normal. Have not been able to configure since.
Agreed, environment is probably messed up but do not know where or how.
Thanks, Chrissi

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:31 pm
by Batteau62
Bit the bullet...upgraded to 091. :? Windows laptop running Win8, used Aurduino 1.0.5, DL'd firmware from SeeMe Git link. Loaded with zero issues. :) Went to G28...and the X & Z steppers were reversed. :( Switched them in firmware, re-uploaded, no probs. :) G28...all's fine. :D Ran through the calibration with geneb at the end of the manual (can't say enough how much we owe gene for his excellent work ;) ) So far so good. Now to test print.

P.S. Keep the faith Chrissi ;) You will get it straightened out. Good Luck :!:

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:31 pm
by bubbasnow
Is the arduino driver signed now? when I first installed on my windows 8 machine I had to disable driver Signing under advanced startup options before I could even talk to my devices

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:46 pm
by Chrissi
SOLVED! ...a last :oops:
Entirely my fault. I had done "a little housekeeping" because I did not like the error messages on load about directories with "-" characters etc, I did not like the nested empty subdirectories so I had moved "Repetier" folder up under "Libraries" ...DOH.
Thank you everybody for trying to help!

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:50 pm
by Chrissi
mhackney, Thanks for the brilliant config.h file. Nice prints too.
My latest print is not a big one, yet it has frozen twice in a row about 3/4 the way through printing from the uSD card. I checked the G-code output before loading it onto the card to make sure it was complete. Print is probably too short to be a heat issue. Before I had the compiling issue it always printed to the finish on this part. These two parts appear to be to the same Z height... just measured they quit within 0.010"Z of each other, different X-Y location.
Still happier to be printing than wishing I could =)

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 9:55 pm
by Eaglezsoar
Chrissi wrote:mhackney, Thanks for the brilliant config.h file. Nice prints too.
My latest print is not a big one, yet it has frozen twice in a row about 3/4 the way through printing from the uSD card. I checked the G-code output before loading it onto the card to make sure it was complete. Print is probably too short to be a heat issue. Before I had the compiling issue it always printed to the finish on this part. These two parts appear to be to the same Z height... just measured they quit within 0.010"Z of each other, different X-Y location.
Still happier to be printing than wishing I could =)
If the card you are using came with the kit it is most likely a generic card with no class. A "normal" card will have a half circle with a class number inside.
There have been reports of prints aborting because of the generic card. I recommend you buy a card with a class of at least 5, 10 would be better.

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 12:05 am
by Chrissi
Good tip, is there as size limitation to the cards?

..okay found a Sandisk class (4), the one I was printing with was classless. Printer warming up now.

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:42 am
by Chrissi
Yes! the better quality SD card finished the print! Yay! (indoor fireworks, confetti, crowd of one goes wild)
Thank you!

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 7:36 am
by Gimbal
Maybe of topic but has any body got the Due(ramps fd) to work with 0.91 firmware, if so any benefits? :?:

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:09 am
by Eaglezsoar
Chrissi wrote:Yes! the better quality SD card finished the print! Yay! (indoor fireworks, confetti, crowd of one goes wild)
Thank you!
Glad I could help. These cheap cards come with the LCD when Seemecnc purchases them so we can blame the cheap Chinese for supplying them.
I would like to get the word out to everyone to change to a better card. I'm glad it worked for you.

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:38 am
by geneb
...except the boards are manufactured in Tennessee.... :D


Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:27 am
by Chrissi
Yeah those hillbilly cards... ;)
I am just happy to have my printer back. I was told last night how spoiled I am... I AM NOT SPOILED! I am not! I am not! :oops:

Can we please have a knowledge base & sticky FAQ with moderated posts (relevancy, no chatter) for these different topics, i.e.
FAQ: SD cards, make sure the ones you are using are class (5) or higher, lower ones have been known to lock up.
FAQ: Prints locking up; see FAQ SD cards, FAQ Rambo cooling fan, etc.
Same thing for setup, calibration, settings for PLA, ABS, other materials, nozzle sizes. Eventually some of this could be in a tabular format, this machine, firmware, extruder, hot end, nozzle, material.
To get to the optimized firmware download I had to read 12 pages into the thread.
Could not have done this without this forum and the excellent support. Thanks guys!

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 10:45 am
by Eaglezsoar
geneb wrote:...except the boards are manufactured in Tennessee.... :D

Oh No. Darn backwoods hillbillies.

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:45 am
by bubbasnow
Gimbal wrote:Maybe of topic but has any body got the Due(ramps fd) to work with 0.91 firmware, if so any benefits? :?:
Check out this for Due updates ... 3&start=60

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 1:05 pm
by PurpleDrank
MSURunner wrote:
I was thinking of digging through these this weekend if I get bored... Both of these are on the list for me as well as incorporating some different things... combining menus to become a bit of a MaReptierLin menu as Marlin and older Repetiers had some nice features I'd like to see... I'll post files if I get it working as intended...
Awesome, if I do get some time I might try to do a little fiddling as well, firmware isn't generally my strong suit though.

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:39 pm
by GarageBay9
I'm having a couple of issues after I upgraded to the .91 firmware.

- The machine seems to have very little buffer for commands anymore. A couple manual extrude commands with the GUI from Repetier-host jams it up. Baudrate is 25000 in all the settings though?

- I'm getting an issue where a print seems to be filament starved, almost like the extruder motor settings are off and requested extrusion isn't matching actual extrusion. But I have the later (hobbed bolt / direct drive) extruder setup, not the early version, and I haven't modified it in any way. I'm using the .91 version downloaded off the first post. It only seems to do it with a certain print, too. I tried running an older print from the SD card and it wasn't exhibiting the same behavior.

This is really baffling me, and I've got a deadline I'm trying to meet for a client... could use some help.

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:46 pm
by mhackney
I'm not sure about the 1st issue you mention. One thing you can try is to temporarily disable the LCD from the code and see if the problem still exists. That would remove some bits from the image and maybe free space.
- I'm getting an issue where a print seems to be filament starved, almost like the extruder motor settings are off and requested extrusion isn't matching actual extrusion. But I have the later (hobbed bolt / direct drive) extruder setup, not the early version, and I haven't modified it in any way. I'm using the .91 version downloaded off the first post. It only seems to do it with a certain print, too. I tried running an older print from the SD card and it wasn't exhibiting the same behavior.
Did you set the extruder current value in the Configuration.h to what you had in your earlier firmware? Also, I am not following what you are saying in the last line about running an older print from the SD card. If this was a firmware issue, then it wouldn't matter if it was a newly sliced or older sliced print. What did you mean?


Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:56 pm
by GarageBay9
I was running a print that I know worked well with the previous (0.80?) firmware, since I had printed it prior to reflashing the machine. The print I'm having trouble with is new, so I wasn't sure if it's a gcode issue or a firmware issue.

I'll check the extruder settings. EDIT: It's set to 92.4 everywhere, in both firmware versions.

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:01 pm
by mhackney
In Configuration.h look for:

Code: Select all

#define MOTOR_CURRENT {175,175,175,200,0} // Values 0-255 (RAMBO 135 = ~0.75A, 185 = ~1A)
The "200" position is for the 1st extruder. I like to run my EZStuders at 225-235. If too low, you can get skipped steps. Also, make sure your RAMBo is cooled with a fan. The drivers can get very warm and also skip.

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:27 pm
by GarageBay9
My previous firmware apparently had them all at 195... Should I use that or the 175 / 225 combo?

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 9:28 pm
by mhackney
I think 195 is a little low for the EZStruder. I'd bump it up to 225 and leave the others alone.

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:44 pm
by GarageBay9
Well, it's printing the .5mm thin wall calibration cube just fine. I dunno what the issue was... we'll see if the file that was giving me problems works now, or if there's just something borked with it.

Re: Repetier 091 for Rostock MAX now available

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:07 pm
by bubbasnow
Any luck getting .91.7 working?