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Melted PEEK section

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:09 am
by tchdrgn
I am pretty new to all this 3d printing. My Rostock max is the first 3d printer that I had and I've only had it built for a couple of weeks. I have had a few problems along the way that I've managed to fix on my own, but the hot end is the biggest failing that I've had on the printer. I have melted the PEEK section twice. The first time was a result of the thermistor coming loose when I was installing the peek fan shroud (how ironic) and the second time I reinstalled the thermistor and used JB weld to hold it in and reconnect the melted peek sections (the package said it was rated for 500F (260C). I was using the hot end at 230C for some ABS and I guess over time the JB weld "burned" and turned brittle. It broke free from the hot end during a print and melted the peek again.

I have decided to switch hot ends and go with an all metal design, either E3d or one I found on kickstarter called pico. I am actually going to get two of them. But I need to fix my current hot end so I can print a mount for the new hot ends first. My current issue is that the peek is now solidly melted in the heater block with a nice coating of ABS over top of it. I am hoping someone has some ideas on how to get it out of there so I can put a new Peek section in it without having to buy a new SeeMeCNC hot end that I will probably only use a couple of times.

Can I melt it out?
I've tried to use a side cutter to "twist" it out like it is a screw, but the cutter just reams it out instead of biting into the plastic and screwing it out.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Re: Melted PEEK section

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 12:42 am
by Glacian22
The latest issue of reprap magazine has a great feature on currently available hotends. ( ... 91/7156572" onclick=";return false;) The E3D has been absolutely great for me with ABS, though I've had some issues with PLA.

Re: Melted PEEK section

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:00 pm
by tchdrgn
Glacian22 wrote:The latest issue of reprap magazine has a great feature on currently available hotends. ( ... 91/7156572" onclick=";return false;) The E3D has been absolutely great for me with ABS, though I've had some issues with PLA.
Thanks, after reading the reviews I decided to go with E3d. I am actually going to get two and make a dual head system. I really want to be able to print abs with pla supports. I just need to get my other hot end working long enough to build a mount for the new hot end.

Re: Melted PEEK section

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2014 4:48 pm
by Ascensi
Same problem.. I set my hotend to 240 C and it melted the Peek. It's so messed up that I don't even have the ability to print a mod to use a different hot end mod.