rostock max v2 mods

Discussions related to the Rostock MAX v2
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rostock max v2 mods

Post by kahalejr »

can this rostock max v2 im interested in be upgraded or modified to run dual or triple extrusion and does the machine have good speed?
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Re: rostock max v2 mods

Post by Jimustanguitar »

Nice timing!

The v2 just became available this past week. Sounds like you'll be one of the first.

The Rostock (v1 or v2, and the Orion for that matter) are all capable of running a second extruder. The RAMBO electronics that these machines run on already has the extra connections needed to go dual. There was a revision to the lasercut file last week just for mounting multiple extruders. The physical bits are there, the electronics have the ports, you'd just need to do some work in the firmware to turn this feature on (and you'd have to buy the extra extruder and hot-end of course, I believe a mounting plate is also needed).

Search for dual extruders, and you'll find several conversations about how others are doing it.
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Re: rostock max v2 mods

Post by 626Pilot »

I'm pretty sure they're using the same effector (the triangle thingy the hot end is mounted to) so whatever hot end mods work on the Max 1 should work on the Max 2. As for speed, delta robots are naturally blessed in this area, although the faster you go the harder it is for the filament to keep up. Slower speeds will yield smoother corners and better performance when it has to retract and jump to a new location.
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