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Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 5:36 am
by Elysio

Some general questions, which will help me to buy the Rostock Max Printer.

Whats the advantage of the Rostock MAX V2 Printer in comparison to common 3D printer (none Delta Printers), except the bigger printingvolume.
Does this machine have any advantage which other 3D printers dont have ?
Maybe precision, lower costs in parts, less wear, higher printing speed.?

I hope you can help me , because I`m really interested to print big volumes. Like this" onclick=";return false;

I`m asking also because I found a Video on Youtube were a guy made review of the Rostock Max V1 and it was unfavorable for the printer, he had a lot problems with this machine, which seem to be very comprehensible , I guess someone from SeemeCNC gave him an answer of this review.
So I`m a little bit carefull with my money and I want to have some concluded answers befor I will buy this machine.

Best regards, Chris.

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:08 am
by Jimustanguitar
Hey there, welcome to the forum.

There are lots of advantages to the Delta design. Faster speeds, less slop and lash, less moving parts, no "Z-wobble", etc. The design is great, and especially on the V2. Plus there's an awesome community here with lots of tinkerers and hobbyists that are always trying something new and exciting. Don't hesitate, I would encourage anybody to buy a Rostock Max or build it themselves from the source files.

As far as the video on YouTube goes. He was one of those people that could not be helped. SeeMeCNC reached out to him and offered their support, and he was still furious. Regardless of the he said she said though, if you look at the machine in the video, he did an absolutely atrocious job of assembling the machine. He very obviously didn't follow the manual (or posess any mechanical ability or common sense), and I would expect any machine built with that workmanship to be similarly frustrating, delta or not.

There's a thread on this forum about the youtube guy, you ought to be able to find it and read what other people around the world thought of his video.

Anyway, I hope this helps in your search. Take care!

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:11 am
by Jimustanguitar
Forgot to mention my favorite part... It's hackable! Since you build the machine yourself, you know every little intricate detail of the design, and it really gets the wheels in your head turning about mods and upgrades that you can do yourself. I have a friend who spent $4500 on a turnkey printer, and he's miserable with the calibration and service on it. He doesn't know how it works under the hood, can't do it himself, and is getting killed on shipping and service. I've not had a part surprise me or fail unexpectedly with the Rostock, it's solid.

Also, made in "smalltown" USA by real people. Same thing with the Rambo board that they source from Ultimachine, that's another back story worth the read.

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:20 am
by Eaglezsoar
I would like to add that there are thousands of happy Rostock Max owners, you don't hear from them because they have no complaints.
The YouTube video that you mention was created by a person who was offered help, but did not accept the help. I personally wonder if
that gentleman can open a can without hurting himself. If you don't have mechanical skills you should not be buying kits. Again I ask,
if thousands can successfully build the Rostock Max why did he fail? The only answer that makes sense is that he did not have the
necessary skills to even put a screw in straight. I personally have two Rostock Max printers and they are the best purchases that I have
ever made.

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 8:51 am
by Jimustanguitar
Eaglezsoar wrote:I would like to add that there are thousands of happy Rostock Max owners, you don't hear from them because they have no complaints.

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:02 am
by Elysio
Okay guys.
Thank you so far, there is no need to talk anymore about this guy ;) I thought that too, that he made some mistake.
Interesting fact is that most of his critiques are now fixed in the Max V2 Version, so he`s critiques were right in some major parts :P , but anyway now its fixed and you guys have convinced me.
I strongly tend to the Rostock Max.`

Bye and hear you in the next months when I have my Max :twisted:

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 9:52 am
by Jimustanguitar
The V2 reduces the amount of skilled labor involved. It fixes broken people :)

Every single piece was evaluated for utility and ease of assembly. It's also neat to see so many user suggestions from this forum considered in the redesign.

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:02 am
by Eaglezsoar
Jimustanguitar wrote: It fixes broken people :)
Now that is a priceless statement!

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 10:21 am
by Elysio
I think you both guys are running the forum ;) :twisted: I see its your passion beeing in the community and to print with the Max.
Anyway, I like that. g
Some detailed questions.

- SD Card Reader included ?
- If not where to buy and how to install it?
- I really want to print and I`m not interested to fix all days parts that run out of the norm. Which means I want a printer that is able to work hard without many faults and a long lifetime.
- Can this printer print 30 h or 60 hours without interruptions, assumed there is enough filament.
- Software. Is the software able to handle3D Models with more than 2-6Million polygons ? If there is a limitation, what is it ?
- Is the software able to split models in some parts if they are to big for the printer ,and to print them one by one, that I can stick them together?

These are the first questions I have.

Thank you in advance, and Bye, see you later.

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:50 am
by Jimustanguitar
- SD Card Reader included ? Yep! The RepRap Discount LCD is standard

- If not where to buy and how to install it? Not necessarry

- I really want to print and I`m not interested to fix all days parts that run out of the norm. Which means I want a printer that is able to work hard without many faults and a long lifetime. Everything has an expected service life, but I'm not aware of anything specific that's prone to wearing out. It's not a bad idea to check your bearing wheel tightness every few hundred hours, but that's maintenance and not a fault.

- Can this printer print 30 h or 60 hours without interruptions, assumed there is enough filament. John Oly has printed 70+ hour parts (he went through a "big" phase recently). The only limitation is your own patience and the length of filament.

- Software. Is the software able to handle3D Models with more than 2-6Million polygons ? If there is a limitation, what is it ?You can use whatever software you want. It's not a function or limitation of the machine.

- Is the software able to split models in some parts if they are to big for the printer ,and to print them one by one, that I can stick them together?This is a function of the software that you choose. I don't know the answer to your question, but it shouldn't be a factor in buying the right machine.

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 11:51 am
by Jimustanguitar
Elysio wrote:I think you both guys are running the forum ;)
Nope... Desk job.

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2014 12:09 pm
by Eaglezsoar
We don't run the forum we just help out where we can.

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 10:14 am
by h00rj
I've been lurking this forum for a couple weeks now and I've been thinking of posting a thread just like this!

Completely new to the 3D printer game, I've been doing some research and right now I'm between the V2 and the Ultimaker "Fastest and most accurate of 2013".

This thread has answered a lot of my questions already!
Only questions I have left;
I see mods for the original Max going dual-extruder, will those mods transfer over easily? Or, better yet, can we get a kit??
Is the resolution of the V2 comparable to that of the Ultimaker? Is the accuracy affected at the extents of larger prints? Can it be tweaked for greater accuracy if need be?

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:06 am
by Jimustanguitar
h00rj wrote: I see mods for the original Max going dual-extruder, will those mods transfer over easily? Or, better yet, can we get a kit??
Is the resolution of the V2 comparable to that of the Ultimaker? Is the accuracy affected at the extents of larger prints? Can it be tweaked for greater accuracy if need be?
The V2 is mainly a frame update, but it's a significant enough update that it requires a separate assembly manual. With a new look and a separate manual, I think it made sense to re-brand the machine with the V2/R3 designation. Tons of other changes that have taken place in the last year, but they were all "comfortable" running changes that applied to the V1. The hot-end is a new design, the extruder is new, the firmware has come a long way, etc. The current difference between the V1 and the V2 is mainly the frame.

As far as accuracy goes, if it's not good enough for you, you can easily buy stepper motors with more steps. As it stands now, each stepper motor has 200 steps and can do 1/16th microstepping... So 3200 steps per revolution of the 20 tooth pulley. The machine is probably more accurate than the material that it prints (thermal shifting as plastic cools). Probably also more accurate than most people care to or know how to calibrate.

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 10:18 am
by h00rj

I've been wanting a 3D printer for awhile, but they're always so small... Printing nicknacks and keyrings. I like that the Max printers look like they can print things of useful size.
The price looks like one of those "too good to be true" things, but from what I'm seeing, it's probably worth more than it's being sold for, either that or the others are just overpriced :P

You'll probably be seeing my super lame build thread with 1billion questions here in a month or so. :D

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:43 am
by 0110-m-p
Elysio wrote: - I really want to print and I`m not interested to fix all days parts that run out of the norm. Which means I want a printer that is able to work hard without many faults and a long lifetime.
How's this for long lifetime...cope413 was approaching 1000 hours on his machine in December. ... 267#p25267" onclick=";return false;

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:57 am
by Elysio
Hi, sounds promissing, 1000 hours !

I`m also very interested in double extruder, printig support material.
My busts have the disadvantage of big overhangs, and I dont want to fiddle around and make a lot of sanding works, so double extrusion would be the best way to go.

With the price of 999Dollar it`s not a problem to put a second extruder to the package. What is the price for the set?

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 1:40 pm
by 0110-m-p
To do a second extruder you would need SeeMeCNC's "ADD A EZStruder" kit for $120. This would include the EZStruder cold end kit, SeeMeCNC hot end kit, all mounting pieces for a second spool and the EZStruder, NEMA 17 motor, and 25mm fan for hot end.

Apparently the kit for the V2 printers hasn't been released yet, but here is a link to the V1 kit. ... -ezstruder" onclick=";return false;

Also, here is a link to a topic on the forum with some good info on dual extrusion. I haven't done this yet, but it is on my list." onclick=";return false;

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 3:39 pm
by bubbasnow
Elysio wrote:Hi, sounds promissing, 1000 hours !

I`m also very interested in double extruder, printig support material.
My busts have the disadvantage of big overhangs, and I dont want to fiddle around and make a lot of sanding works, so double extrusion would be the best way to go.

With the price of 999Dollar it`s not a problem to put a second extruder to the package. What is the price for the set?
definitely start with one extruder before you leap on the Dual boat.

the reasoning behind this is some people prefer anon stock extruder. and after having just completed my duel upgrade it helps having the same extruder for both.

Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:07 pm
by artexmg
Elysio wrote:I think you both guys are running the forum ;) :twisted: I see its your passion beeing in the community and to print with the Max.
Anyway, I like that. g
Some detailed questions.

- SD Card Reader included ?
- If not where to buy and how to install it?
- I really want to print and I`m not interested to fix all days parts that run out of the norm. Which means I want a printer that is able to work hard without many faults and a long lifetime.
- Can this printer print 30 h or 60 hours without interruptions, assumed there is enough filament.
- Software. Is the software able to handle3D Models with more than 2-6Million polygons ? If there is a limitation, what is it ?
- Is the software able to split models in some parts if they are to big for the printer ,and to print them one by one, that I can stick them together?

These are the first questions I have.

Thank you in advance, and Bye, see you later.
My two cents: if the software is a key factor for you, I would highly recommend to invest in Simplify 3D. There are some threads over here that you can verify. The downside is that it is the license cost: $140-ish, but, depending on the job you do, it could be totally worth it!


Re: Whats the advantage of the MAX V2 Printer

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:29 pm
by artexmg
artexmg wrote:
Elysio wrote:I think you both guys are running the forum ;) :twisted: I see its your passion beeing in the community and to print with the Max.
Anyway, I like that. g
Some detailed questions.

- SD Card Reader included ?
- If not where to buy and how to install it?
- I really want to print and I`m not interested to fix all days parts that run out of the norm. Which means I want a printer that is able to work hard without many faults and a long lifetime.
- Can this printer print 30 h or 60 hours without interruptions, assumed there is enough filament.
- Software. Is the software able to handle3D Models with more than 2-6Million polygons ? If there is a limitation, what is it ?
- Is the software able to split models in some parts if they are to big for the printer ,and to print them one by one, that I can stick them together?

These are the first questions I have.

Thank you in advance, and Bye, see you later.
My two cents: if the software is a key factor for you, I would highly recommend to invest in Simplify 3D. There are some threads over here that you can verify. The downside is that it is the license cost: $140-ish, but, depending on the job you do, it could be totally worth it!

Oh, I hadn't seen that you will need support and two extruders. Definitely, you will like the function on Simplify 3D that allows you to set support material by hand, that is very handy!.

Also, for double extruder, I think the same as bubbasnow said, you probably will end using a different hot end. Myself, I just finishing converting to a double extruder using the all metal E3D hot end (highly recommended as well!); for this mod, you will need to print your own pieces (not a problem, as there is always somebody who had done that before :-) ).

PS. I do not sell or have any commercial relationship with S3D or E3D's, I just started liking them both a lot :D