How to prevent nozzle dragging through layer

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How to prevent nozzle dragging through layer

Post by Dionysus480 »

Hi guys,

I've spent a bit of time fine tuning the e-steps, setting the endstop screws, and adjusting the horizontal radius. I've printed boxes and cubes and whatnot to look at the first layer, infill patterns, etc. I've also fought the adhesion battles. Both warping abs, and "overadhesion" resulting in a ruined print or build plate upon removal... Heh.

Anyway - I was looking for a way to give the nozzle a little more room when doing nonprinting moves. It seems to drag across the surface of the model, creating unsightly artifacts.

Where would I find that setting in Mattercontrol? I can't seem to locate it.

I also would like to adjust the overlap of the perimeter with the solid portion of the visible layers. I can see an area to adjust infill overlap. Does it affect the top and bottom solid layers as well?

Dionysus480 & Sons

Rostock MAX v2 - "M2D2"

"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda
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Re: How to prevent nozzle dragging through layer

Post by dcfc_sandy »

To lift the nozzle during non-printing moves its the Z-lift setting in Filament - Filament - Retraction section of the settings tab, 4th down. Personally I set this to my layer height x 1.5 as it helps me with stringing.
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Re: How to prevent nozzle dragging through layer

Post by dcfc_sandy »

Infill Overlap is General - Infill - Advanced. Make sure you have the advance tab selected not Standard or Basic... As far as I am aware this will change your infill overlap for everything to the perimeter so top, bottom and middle infill, but not overlap between infill.

If you are experiencing issues with poor infill, I would suggest this may not be the solution. If its first layer ensure your Z height is set correctly, if its middle layers (or any) make sure your Extruder is calibrated correctly so when you want 100mm of filament that's what you get, if its top layer, this may be due to low infill % thus more bridging or not printing enough top layers.

For post build calibration I followed -'s ... tion_Guide

And for most small print issues I use - ... eshooting/, it's for Simplify 3D but it translates easy when you start to use settings :D

Good Luck
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