How to use Cura 2.3.1 with the Rostock Max v2

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How to use Cura 2.3.1 with the Rostock Max v2

Post by bimmersix »

Hey everyone -

Let me first say that the info I found here was invaluable to actually getting this to work:

I really wanted to try Cura as Mattercontrol has been very slow for me in the recent releases (even changing settings takes forever between screens) and I've been trying to get rid of stringing with massive amounts of retraction, but that poses its own issues. So when I read that a program other than S3D allows for Coasting, as well as a number of other intriguing settings, I wanted to give it a shot.

Cura 2.x.x versions seem to have done away with all deltas except a Kossel Mini. You can add custom printers, but they will be cartesian and not delta.

Others have reported dropping a custom config file (.json type) into the folder with the printer info, but when I did that, Cura did not recognize it. I ultimately replaced the kossel_mini file with my own since Cura already looks for that definition. I modified greyghost's file, which did not seem work for whatever reason on Windows and/or 2.3.1, and placed some of those parameters in the kossel_mini file.

So, at least for Windows 7 x64:
Place "rostockmaxv2.stl" into folder: Program Files/Cura 2.3/resources/meshes
Remove ".txt" extension, then place "kossel_mini.def.json" into folder: Program Files/Cura 2.3/resources/definitions
NOTE:this will overwrite your existing file, so copy it first if you want to save the original.

Open Cura, Add Printer, and select Rostock Max v2 from the "Other" list.
Once added, Manage Printers -> Machine Settings

The start and end G-code that is working for me (you can just copy and paste in)
Start: G28

End: M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
M140 S0
G1 Z10 E-5.0 F12000
M84 ; disable motors

From there, you should be able to write gcode and either put on SD or use with Mattercontrol or other host software. I could not get Cura to detect the printer, and it seems that Ultimaker has done away with manual connection settings.
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Last edited by bimmersix on Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How to use Cura 2.3.1 with the Rostock Max v2

Post by bimmersix »

Bad picture, but the "coast" feature COMPLETELY eliminated stringing.

These were printed with virtually the same settings, but the cubes on left sliced and printed with Mattercontrol, cubes on right sliced, Coasting enabled, with Cura and printed with MC.
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Re: How to use Cura 2.3.1 with the Rostock Max v2

Post by Francisco »

Hi. Thank you for the files. I am succesfully using them on Cura. I just changed the file name and id inside so it doesn't replace the kossel mini and it works fine!
Couldn't find files like yours for the Rostock Max v3 but theese work ok.
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FranciscoJS12 | Rostock Max v3
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