Hi everybody and a happy new year...
yeah me again asking maybe a silly question:
How do I use Cura with my Rostock Max V2 (with all the upgrades)?
I installed Cura and found some settingfiles of you guys. Like a "RostockMAX.json" file.
I dropped it into the "definitions" folder where the other printers seem to be. But the Rostock didn't appear when I try to select a new printer.
THX to you
How to setup for Rostock?!
How to setup for Rostock?!
Rostock MAX V2 with all the V3 upgrades
Re: How to setup for Rostock?!
Hey rabbit, I just made a post about this to show what worked for me. I've successfully printed several things since then using Cura to create gcode and Mattercontrol as a host. Hope it helps.