9.25 inch diameter print won't fit? Please help :)

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9.25 inch diameter print won't fit? Please help :)

Post by designfactore »

Hey guys,

So I'm printing a frisbee-like part that is 9.25" diameter by .5" high, and Slic3r is telling me it doesn't fit into the print area. I've centered it and dropped it, still no luck. Only when I scale it down to 75% does Slic3r agree. I thought the Rostock Max had an 11 inch diameter window for circular parts, no?

Are there some settings I need to tweak? I believe I have the latest firmware (bought it at the Maker Faire just a few weeks ago, Rambo pre-flashed) and have already done the steps in the Assembly PDF.
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Re: 9.25 inch diameter print won't fit? Please help :)

Post by JohnStack »

Are you using stock settings for Slicer - or those provided from the forum?

Under the printer tab, what is the bed size setting you're using? x=280, y=280, z=300 is what I have.

(11.0236 by same)

Does that still give you slice limitations?

If you're printing in PLA, send one over. My dog likes to catch them!
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Re: 9.25 inch diameter print won't fit? Please help :)

Post by Jimustanguitar »

JohnStack wrote:If you're printing in PLA, send one over. My dog likes to catch them!
Interesting that you mention this... I've been thinking about printing dog toys, but only have ABS at the moment. I know that PLA is a plant product that biodegrades and is safe, but would ABS be ok for this application? Is it an inert material, or would it be a bad idea to feed it to a dog?

Sorry to hijack your thread :) I agree with John that you should look at the printer shape tab of Repetier.

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Re: 9.25 inch diameter print won't fit? Please help :)

Post by Polygonhell »

The plastic itself should be safe, plenty of kids over the years have chewed on lego blocks...
The issue with printed plastic and dog toys or food containers for that matter is that the little grooves and holes are perfect hiding spots for bacteria.
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Re: 9.25 inch diameter print won't fit? Please help :)

Post by designfactore »

Hey guys,

thanks for the replies!

John, I have a settings screen like Jim posted, there are no places for X and Y sizes, only radius and height, where I have 140 and 355 (25.4 X 14), which if I understand correctly, should be the same as your settings as far as the horizontal size is concerned. Should I try choosing something other under "printer shape"?

So I found out that if I print my 9.25" part even though Slic3r warns about the print not fitting, it will still print my 9.25" part anyway. I let it build about 25%, and it did that without an error, even printed the priming loop out past the 9.25" just fine. I ended up stopping the print because at that print size, I found out that at some places at the outer edges of the bed, the hotend gets too close and touches, blocking the filament flow. Printing is fine in the middle of the bed. I got some calibrating to do! Any suggestions there?
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Re: 9.25 inch diameter print won't fit? Please help :)

Post by dsnettleton »

I found out that at some places at the outer edges of the bed, the hotend gets too close and touches, blocking the filament flow. Printing is fine in the middle of the bed. I got some calibrating to do! Any suggestions there?
If you're using repetier firmware, make sure the delta radius is set properly. It should be by default, but if you mucked about with it like I did, it might not be. Alternatively, you might have inconsistent end stop heights. If the height of the printer changes as you get closer or farther from a particular tower, you may have to raise or lower the end stop screw on that tower. The others will have to be adjusted to compensate. There's a print on thingiverse (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:50505) that might help, though I haven't used it myself.

As for your Slic3r warning, Slic3r is a separate piece of software from Repetier Host. The settings screen shown in jimustang's screenshot is in Repetier. The one John is talking about is in your Slic3r configuration. Go to the "Slicer" tab in repetier host, click configure, and click the "printer settings" tab. Under "Size and Coordinates," you should see "Bed Size" and "Print Center." Bed size is not a radius, but a maximum width and height. So X and Y should each be set to 280 (twice your printer's radius). "Print Center" should be set to zero for both X and Y.
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Re: 9.25 inch diameter print won't fit? Please help :)

Post by designfactore »

Thanks guys! DS, that makes total sense, got it, will check out the printer settings within Slic3r itself.

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