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Cracking noises from stepper motors

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:37 pm
by Raphael

I bought an Rostock Max V3 three weeks ago, actually imported it to Germany, heard so many good things about it.

However, I am having quite a lot of problems with it right from the start.
At first, it printed without any big noise-issues, however the quality was bad and the outer shell and the filling was not connected.

I adjusted the belt-tension and checked everything twice, but nothing helped. Instead, some grinding and cracking noises from
the steppers started to occur randomly. It sounds like it comes from bad bearings or so, but I wanted to know what you think:

Again, doesn't matter which step it performs, but it seems like it's worse when the speed setting is really high or it's at the edge of the printing area.

I am really thankful for any help and appreciate every answer! :)

P.S.: Recently, I upgraded to a Duet Wifi Board, too. That worked well!

Re: Cracking noises from stepper motors

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 7:11 pm
by Dale Eason
That sure sounds like belt slippage to me. The stepper gear is rotating but the belt is not moving and the stepper then makes that sound as it steps past the belt tooth. Then for some reason at the end the belts are moving ok so there is no noise. Since you said you check the belt tension then look for jams somewhere. Try to manually move the carriage with the motors both off and on and watch to see what happens. You can use mattercontrol to enable and disable the steppers. With them enabled you should have a very hard time moving the carriage with your hand. If it does move it will probably make that same or similar sound. If it does move and it does not take much force to move make it jump then the tension is not correct.

With the motor disabled you should be able to position the head with your had easily to just about anywhere in the normal movement range. If not then something is blocking.


Re: Cracking noises from stepper motors

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 6:14 am
by Raphael
Thank you for your answer, Dale!
That was my first thought, too. However, I can't find any blockage in the normal movement range.
It's more like some hard forces are working when all three motors are moving together, but still random, and on one or two axis more then on the other(s).
Sometimes, if I moved the carriages without motors on, it stuttered a bit. But that's mostly gone with enough belt tension.

Again, could it be because of the bearings or some screws that are too tight in the building process or something?

Re: Cracking noises from stepper motors

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 12:29 pm
by Dale Eason
If you can move the carriage manually with power off easily then there probably is no issue with bearings or something being too tight.

Maybe it is lack of power or intermittent power to the steppers or rambo board.


Re: Cracking noises from stepper motors

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:03 pm
by djarmag
What exactly are you running, is it just one particular file or it happens to all the files you try to print? And what are those wires above the x axis belt?

Re: Cracking noises from stepper motors

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 7:42 pm
by Khayrisill
I have exactly the same problem... and no replies.

I do not know if it has an impact. But I would like to solve this