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Artemis PLA Stock Profile Improvements?

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 10:29 pm
by DeepsReddy
So I recently have taken a 2nd interest in my Artemis. Not sure why, maybe the Ultimaker is just to easy....

I started from scratch again because none of my old profiles appeared to produce good results with PLA or PETG.

So using the stock 050 PLA profile I've been printing successfully but the quality is no so great. Specifically there's a ton of stringing. I need to run the PLA temps a bit hotter like 210 or 215 to not get extruder skip at 80mm/sec PLA prints.

I'm curious if anyone has really successfully tuned their retraction for PLA and PETG on the Artemis and would care to share their settings. Also I'd like to know if most guys are actually using Z-hop and if so at what speed? Seems like cranking it up to 300mm/sec would make the most sense but also turning it off entirely might be the answer. Trying to crowd source here rather than spend hours printing more Benchys just to throw them away.


Re: Artemis PLA Stock Profile Improvements?

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 8:22 am
by geneb
I don't have much advice for you on the stringing, but the best way to work out the issue is with a pair of 10mm cubes about 6mm tall, spaced 7-10mm apart. It's small & fast and is good at working on stringing problems.
