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Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2012 11:48 am
by jerry
I need the best config for slic3r 0.9.7 im going to use 1.75mm filament and have hollow .stl models

Re: Slic3r

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 10:04 am
by WookieeGunner
Unfotunately, all though people can tell you their config, it's not the best config for your machine because every machine is going to have it's own differences. For example are you using PLA or ABS? What is the true diameter of your filament (most filament is plus or minus .05 to .1 mm from the listed), how consistent is your filament (some stay the same throughout the whole length, some wander), what color is it (there is better than anedotal evidence that some companies have filament that uses different best temperatures based on the color.) There is a sticky at the top of this forum that discusses calibrating your printer. I would really start with that. It is written for a Reprap style, but the sections on calibrating Slic3r should still work.