Hello from Maryland

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Hello from Maryland

Post by jhwblender »

I'll introduce myself. I'm Jesse Wood, i'm 19 years old and I live in Maryland. I work as a cashier at an Ace Hardware here, and my interests and skills lie in 3D modeling, thinking, mathematics, engineering, ect. :geek: and I obsess over knowing how things work from the ground up. My childhood was spent in Utah, my teenage years in Kansas, and end of teen years in Maryland. (I consider my home Kansas).

I am seriously thinking about buying the Rostock MAX V2. :) I am going to be leaving in a few months for a 2 year church mission though. My parents are advising me not to buy it because it'll be 2 years 'out of date' when I get back. I feel like I could get some good use out of it before I leave though. Would this be worth the investment and would it go 'out of date'?

If I end up deciding to get it, I would love to be part of this growing community and appreciate the help and support you have given the others and myself as I embark on this journey, thank you! :)
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Re: Hello from Maryland

Post by dpmacri »

Welcome! I think your parents are expressing some good wisdom. Sure, you could get some use out of it before your trip. However, things are advancing rapidly in this field. I would expect that by waiting two years, you'd get a much more advanced printer for the same money. That's just my 2c, though :-D.
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Re: Hello from Maryland

Post by Eaglezsoar »

Welcome to the forum!
I have to agree with your parents and dpmacri.
Dpmacri is correct, in two years you will be able to buy a printer that is much better than what is available now.
The ones they are making now are great and work fine but in two years there will be so many changes in the technology
and you will get much more for your money. I know that is going to hard for you to wait, anticipation is hard to deal
with but that's what I recommend. Come on the forum now and then and let us know how you are doing.
While you are on your mission jump on the forum and we can keep you up to date on the changes the printers are
going through. May God bless.
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Re: Hello from Maryland

Post by edge922 »

Hi Jesse. I'd suggest a different approach. Buy it, get the experience of knowing how these things work, then sell it on craigslist or ebay (even if for a slight loss). save that cash to buy a newer model in a couple years. Your experience will help you catch up quickly to the changes and help you know what you want.

Don't buy it if you can't truly commit to off loading it before your mission or else it will only be worth pennies on the dollar when you get back and the new models will be far beyond this one.

Another option is to see if your local high school would be interested in buying off you when you are done or a local maker group, etc.


Follow My Rostock MAX V2 Build in progress.

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