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North Central Minnesota

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 11:39 am
by waltr
Greetings all,

I am brand new to 3d printing, and after considerable research we elected to purchase the Delta Max V3 system. I have recently quit my day job to start a research and development company for high energy physics and radiation therapy systems. We are planning on using the Delta Max for rapid prototyping of models to save development costs when we commit to a product build with the real (and really expensive) components.

We started putting the machine together 2 weeks ago, and it went together nearly flawlessly, printed its first part and then we found the Teflon tube wasn't inserted into the HE280 far enough. Plug removal was entertaining, but successful and we have gone on in less than 3 days to produce a number of prototype components from our cad system which shows need for modifications. We are well pleased with this device and think this will help expedite engineering of our eventual products.

SeeMeCNC has an outstanding support library which made all the difference in a successful printer build.
These forums have been cruised in search of information as 3d printing is a mode we are completely unfamiliar with it, and I am far from my Ann Arbor, Michigan home with its many resources. There is an incredible store of knowledge here. Thanks guys for providing it, and I hope I'll be able to add more as I learn more.

I'll get pictures soon (I hope).

Re: North Central Minnesota

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 1:49 pm
by Xenocrates
Welcome to the forums. I'm glad you enjoy your printer, and I'm looking forward to the pictures. If you're ever back in A2, feel free to look me up.