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An example of why print speed matters...

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:28 pm
by mhackney
I love matte finishes on my black parts. The SeeMeCNC PLA filament imparts a beautiful matte finish - IF you print it the correctly. Take a look at this:
FullSizeRender 49.jpg
FullSizeRender 48.jpg
These were printed with identical conditions EXCEPT the perimeter speed. The glossy black part's perimeter was printed at 20 mm/s the matte black part was printed at 50 mm/s.

Think about that, simply speeding up the perimeter print speed resulted in a completely different finish on the part. This is generally true of most PLAs I've printed, they "gloss up" when printed slowly. Dark, opaque colors (especially black) are more pronounced.

Re: An example of why print speed matters...

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:33 pm
by KAS
Rambo or Duet? Thought the duet eliminated most of the vertical banding issues, just curious.

Re: An example of why print speed matters...

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:35 pm
by mhackney
Sorry! I should have said, this is a stock RostockMAX V3 with RAMBo. I have the new V3 and I'm putting it through its paces in its stock configuration. The banding you see is a Repetier/RAMBo artifact. I don't see those with dc42/Duet.

Re: An example of why print speed matters...

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 9:41 am
by Zesty_Lykle
Hmm, interesting
I will have to try that with nGen. See if it changes the surface finish.
Nice one.
