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File backup procedures

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:28 pm
by hmanvel
I probably am not searching properly, but I cannot find instructions for how to back up my printer settings. Could someone recommend what files should be backed up if, for example, I was installing a new computer to drive my printer? (Rostock Max V2). I've had lots of computer issues, and don't want to lose all settings. I'm not sure what resides on the computer and what is resident on the printer controller either. Any comments appreciated.

Re: File backup procedures

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 9:57 pm
by Xenocrates
I will try to be as explicit as my experience allows.

What exists where, and how is it stored:
Initial settings, these are in the firmware, and written to the EEPROM on the rambo (If the EEPROM is not initialized and is in a matched mode). These would be on your harddrive in the PC, and are inside the repetier files (specifically config.h)
Current settings: Only on the printer controller in EEPROM. You can write these settings down elsewhere, and these are only (in an ideal world) erased when you overwrite the EEPROM, either with EEPROM clear or by changing the EEPROM mode.
The slicer settings are separate, and can be exported from the slicer as well.

Most of the settings are resident to the printer and computer both. I recommend that when you upload to the printer, you make a copy of the repetier folder on something stable (Or upload it to google drive/dropbox/glacier)