Overextruding, temperature or ...?

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Overextruding, temperature or ...?

Post by TMIB »


Now that I have the new HE280 hot end, geared stepper and EZRStruder installed, I'm trying to get my print quality back up to snuff.

The cone pictured above is for the spool holder here: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1060029

Note the blobbing on the middle of the print. When watching it print I saw several times when the nozzle was dragging through excess material. I calibrated my e-steps at the cold end, and it consistently pushes 100mm accurately, but this looks like it's oozing extra material on each pass.

I'm printing at 195 degrees on PLA, .2mm layer height using a .5 mm nozzle. First layer is .3mm
4 perimeters, 4 top and 4 bottom layers.
infill printing at 35mms, inside and outside perimeters at 25mms
maximum fan speed is 80%, turned off for the first 15 layers.
40 seconds minimum layer speed.
retract 1mm @ 20mms

Any recommendation on where to start first? I'm going to try a print directly off the sd card to see if it makes a difference.
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Re: Overextruding, temperature or ...?

Post by TMIB »

Turned out to be temperature. I upped the temp to 200 and the problems cleared right up. With the lower temp, the filament wasn't thin enough when it extracted, causing it to come out with some blobbing. That was enough to cause it to stick to the nozzle and get drug around.
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Re: Overextruding, temperature or ...?

Post by morgandc »

Thanks for the update.
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Re: Overextruding, temperature or ...?

Post by TMIB »

Weird. Now my prints are having trouble sticking to the bed. I just finished one that slipped twice before printing with a raft. I just tried printing one with a pretty wide base (the knob from the link above) and it got a few hours in before it slipped.

Bed is PEI, running at 72c. I haven't had slippage problems like this on this bed before. Probably bottom layer related. I'll try printing some of Mike's first layer calibration discs tomorrow.
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Re: Overextruding, temperature or ...?

Post by mhackney »

It does sound like maybe Z height is off a bit. A good cleaning with isopropyl alcohol would help too. And if you sand your PEI, do that also!

Is this PLA one that you've printed before? Reason I ask is, a few years ago I struggled with a new roll of PLA. Had to raise the temperature, wouldn't stick to the bed (at 72°C your PLA should stick like glue) and it turned out to be a mislabeled roll of ABS!

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Re: Overextruding, temperature or ...?

Post by TMIB »

I've printed this roll of PLA dozens of times (In fact, I'm starting to run a little low on this spool). I wipe down the bed with alcohol between every print. That's what has me so boggled. I can understand a tall narrow print perhaps coming loose, but the knob for the spool holder I'm printing is much like your reels, in that it is a fairly circular wide base. It should have fantastic adhesion without a raft.

I'd think it was a z-height issue, but I re-ran calibration a few times (love how this is automatic with the probe now). I then used the knob to lower the head to a height of 0, and a piece of paper is able to drag against the nozzle, which suggests to me that the z height is correct. I'll try printing some of your first layer cylinder tests. Unfortunately, I'm flying out to NYC on a business trip early tomorrow morning, so will be unable to work on this for a week or so.
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Re: Overextruding, temperature or ...?

Post by mhackney »

I'm experiencing that the HE280 needs to have the heat cranked up more than the E3D V6 hot end. In fact, for every 10 mm/s increase in print speed, I need to crank the temp up about 5°. I'm printing PLA at 50 mm/s at about 210° to 215°C using the stock EZRstruder. I still get a few "ticks" on every layer. I recall dealing with this with EZStruders and moving to a geared stepper eliminated the occasional skipping but also minimized having to ramp the hot end temperature up. I have a geared stepper and adapter (actually 3 or 4 of them) here from my pre-Bondtech days. I think I'm going to start down the path of simple modifications starting with the geared stepper.

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