New skates and arms calibration issues

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New skates and arms calibration issues

Post by XpresoAdct »

Hi all, I swapped out the V1 melonite skates on my Orion this weekend with the new ones. I also replaced the arms and build plate.
From the description, the arms state they are approximately 1mm longer and require minimal firmware changes.
I increased the diagonal Arm Length from 178 to 179.
When calibrating the towers, I got them close to no deviation between the towers. Using a digital dial gauge, I have one tower that is 0.01mm lower than the rest.
Is that an amount worth wrestling with the end stop screw to alleviate? Adjusting those seem to be quite tedious to bracket in and I felt quite happy with that range.
I adjusted the Horizontal Radius through trial and error and eventually got across the center and towers the following measurements:

Code: Select all

0.00       0.00
Left        Right
I was ecstatic!
The Horizontal Radius had increased from 74.3 originally to 88.45. Does that value make sense? I was quite surprised that a 1mm Diagonal Arm Length change had a 14.15mm impact on Horizontal Radius.

Anyways, my dilemma started when I ran Radius.gco
Left side -.28mm Center 0mm Right side .28mm
How can this be? If all the towers are zeroed, I don't understand how there can be a .56mm range from left to right.

Any thoughts?
Thank you!
I am not sure how I can be getting this
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Re: New skates and arms calibration issues

Post by JFettig »

I'm going to guess that the horizontal radius changed because the center line of the trucks to the center line of the pivots decreased.

.01mm is next to nothing - no need to worry about that.

I don't know what radius.gco is, can't help there :)
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Re: New skates and arms calibration issues

Post by XpresoAdct »

Ah, that makes sense. It is not only affected by diagonal arm change of 1mm, but the trucks also.

Radius.gco is a file that was on the SD. It moves the platform at a constant height from (-75,0) to (75,0) and then back to (0,0). The height was zero at the origin and higher by .28mm at negative X and lower by .28 at positive X.
This over deviation is .58 and definitely concerning. Especially towers is still zeroed out.

I am going to write a script to move to six points along the circumference and take some measurements.
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Re: New skates and arms calibration issues

Post by XpresoAdct »

This is strange. I wrote a script to move to the center at .25mm. Raise and move to (0,75) and lower, raise and move to (-53,53) and lower, etc around until I have eight locations around the circumference. I am not sure what to calibrate.
Remember, towers is till pretty much zero'd as in the first post.

Code: Select all

-0.17   0.00   -0.03
-0.17   0.00   +0.14
-0.06  -0.10   -0.08
How can I be getting these numbers when I am still zeroed at the towers. More crazy is the reading from the 3 o'clock position. It is lower to the bed by 0.14mm while if there is a deviation, they are higher than the build platform relative to the center position. I thought they might be something on the surface of my glass so I rotated it 90 degrees, but it made no difference.

Also of concern, the order of the reading is center, 12o'clock, 10:30, 9:00, 7:30, 6:00,4:30, 3:00, 1:30, 12:00 and back to center.
The second time it reads at 12:00 it is -0.2mm. I edited the script to cycle this three times and the data was very consistent, each time if the 12:00 position was arrived at from the center the height stayed the same, it the platform had traveled from position 1:30, it would read -0.02mm.

How can that be?
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Re: New skates and arms calibration issues

Post by XpresoAdct »

To try and further wrap my head around this, I wrote a script to move to 49 points, 7x7 and measured the variance.
I plotted and you can see the raw data here
[img] ... howImage=1[/img]

I have nothing going forward. Each theory I come up with seems impossible with the data I am getting.
Any ideas anyone?

Though it is long, here is the gcode I used.

Code: Select all

; Move the platform to each point in a 7x7 larges square possible on an Orion. Raise and lower the platform at each location.

G1 Z10 F12000
G1 Z.25 F100 ; set height at origin and calibrate dial
G4 S3
G1 Z10 F1500

Row 1
G1 X-54 Y54 F1500; 1,1
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-36 Y54 F1500; 1,2
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-18 Y54 F1500; 1,3
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X0 Y54 F1500; 1,4
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X18 Y54 F1500; 1,5
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X36 Y54 F1500; 1,6
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X54 Y54 F1500; 1,7
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

Row 2
G1 X-54 Y36 F1500; 2,1
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-36 Y36 F1500; 2,2
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-18 Y36 F1500; 2,3
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X0 Y36 F1500; 2,4
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X18 Y36 F1500; 2,5
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X36 Y36 F1500; 2,6
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X54 Y36 F1500; 2,7
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

Row 3
G1 X-54 Y18 F1500; 3,1
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-36 Y18 F1500; 3,2
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-18 Y18 F1500; 3,3
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X0 Y18 F1500; 3,4
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X18 Y18 F1500; 3,5
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X36 Y18 F1500; 3,6
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X54 Y18 F1500; 3,7
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

Row 4
G1 X-54 Y0 F1500; 4,1
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-36 Y0 F1500; 4,2
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-18 Y0 F1500; 4,3
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X0 Y0 F1500; 4,4
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X18 Y0 F1500; 4,5
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X36 Y0 F1500; 4,6
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X54 Y0 F1500; 4,7
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

Row 5
G1 X-54 Y-18 F1500; 5,1
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-36 Y-18 F1500; 5,2
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-18 Y-18 F1500; 5,3
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X0 Y-18 F1500; 5,4
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X18 Y-18 F1500; 5,5
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X36 Y-18 F1500; 5,6
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X54 Y-18 F1500; 5,7
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

Row 6
G1 X-54 Y-36 F1500; 6,1
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-36 Y-36 F1500; 6,2
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-18 Y-36 F1500; 6,3
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X0 Y-36 F1500; 6,4
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X18 Y-36 F1500; 6,5
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X36 Y-36 F1500; 6,6
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X54 Y-36 F1500; 6,7
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

Row 7
G1 X-54 Y-54 F1500; 7,1
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-36 Y-54 F1500; 7,2
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X-18 Y-54 F1500; 7,3
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X0 Y-54 F1500; 7,4
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X18 Y-54 F1500; 7,5
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X36 Y-54 F1500; 7,6
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

G1 X54 Y-54 F1500; 7,7
G1 Z.25 F1500
G4 S2
G1 Z10 F1500

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Re: New skates and arms calibration issues

Post by jarek319 »

Are you heating the build plate to a typical value, like 60 or 90 degrees C?

Looking at your graph, it seems like your bed is bent, or slanted slightly. I'm not sure there is a way to account for this in firmware, but if you run MatterControl's automatic calibration it reads the height at multiple points around your bed and make a chart similar to yours internally for offsetting prints by the minimal unevenness of the bed
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