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Converting Max V2 to Dual EZRStruder setup

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2018 11:02 am
by carloperatoner
I am updating my Max V2 to a dual hotend setup, I am updating my cold end to two EZRstruders and looking to mount them on the spacer between the two top plates like on the Max V3. I have a couple of questions and looking for some guidance.

1. By moving the extruders to the same location on the Max V3 does it increase the sound of the steppers? (I upgraded my unit a year ago by inserting sound isolating spacers on the three main tower steppers. The noise reduction was significant. I was not able to make the same modification on the EZstruder. I would like to keep it as quiet as possible.

2. Is this truly the best place for the cold ends? Are there merits to keeping the mounts below the top plate? The V3 location looks easier to load and service if needed.

3. Are there any drawings or prints for the spacer between the two top plates? I'd rather use something that someone has already built than spend time making a new one from scratch.

