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Looking for a stringed instrument for easy strumming

Posted: Fri May 31, 2019 11:00 am
by Odand
Hi everybody! I need your recommendations, I guess.

I am in my 70's and need some advice on what stringed instrument to pursue for easy strumming along as I sing folk songs and favorite old singers like Elvis and the Everly Brothers. Strictly for my own enjoyment. I was a very novice 6 string guitar player almost 50 years ago. When I tried both steel and nylon string 6 strings recently I realized I have no muscle memory, have lost strength and flexibility in my fingers.

I started researching 4 strings which then took me to ukuleles so I got overwhelmed quickly. I am starting from scratch and welcome any advice, so:
Tenor 4 string, cigar box, ukulele (if so, which size?)? I even saw a 3 string being played on YouTube. Suggestions?

Easiest to play?

Steel, nylon or steel over nylon?

String notes? Anything where I can get away with mostly only needing to use 2 fingers?

Specific models and brands?

Thanks in advance!