Simplify3d and rostock max

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Simplify3d and rostock max

Post by mcbride19 »

I bought this software on the web because it offers some interresting psosibilities (place supports manually for example).

My opinion: DON'T BUY IT !!!!
This software seems to be only an Alpha or Beta versions.
It took me a long time to have god parameters and it was far from perfect ...
The support are too heavy , after printing it's quite impossible to remove it without using a cutter and broke somme parts of the printed model.
The way it control the printer is quite normal but you must reload the gcode each time you're stopping the print.
The preview doesn't work well and place the model on the right lower corner even if you centered it ?!?!?!
I let you watch the result so you can make your own opinion about this software:

The model: AT-ST left ear gun (star wars) from thingiverse, I stopped the print a few layers after the beginning, it was enough to see the differences. Same temperatures(200/80) at 0,1 mm also same infill %.


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Re: Simplify3d and rostock max

Post by daftscience »

Thanks! I got a trial a few weeks ago and started playing with it. The features it has look pretty amazing, buuut I have kisslicer figured out finally so I'm not eager to make another switch.
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Re: Simplify3d and rostock max

Post by mcbride19 »

Yes it have good features(on the paper ;)...) but the software seems to be in beta testing process, the software's forum doesn't answer to problems you can find inside and there are not enough people to help.
The creators seems to take time to answer to email(I sended them one, 4 days ago and still no answers). :x
Maybe one day it will be a real good printing software but it's seems that it's going to be a long way until this day ! :!:
At least 125 $ it's too much expensive for the result you have with it. :(
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