how do I use the pen holder?

All things related to the Rostock MAX 3D Printer, the worlds FIRST Delta kit!
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how do I use the pen holder?

Post by barnett »

My Rostock Max kit is mostly done and I hope to be able to print the test pyramid this weekend.

I can get an STL (from thingiverse or Sketchup>stl) into Repetier, but to try the pen holder, I'm was thinking I would draw an object in sketchup and then export as STL. Turns out that doesn't work with the my plugin. Lines aren't exporting, only faces.

I'm sure there's a better way and someone here might be able to suggest it. Say I just want to have it draw circles and straight lines initially, and then maybe block letters. It's primarily for testing the smoothness of movements. But I can also imagine putting in a silver paint pen and making some festive stuff for next week.

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