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Speed Multiply in Reptier-Host

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 2:39 pm
by MashinoDesign
I have a question for you folks,

If I manually slow down the feed rate using the slider bar, should I also slow to the Flowrate proportionally? For example, if I slow the feed rate to 50%, should the flowrate be adjusted to 50% as well?


Re: Speed Multiply in Reptier-Host

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:13 pm
by mhackney
in general, no. If you slow the sped down 50% it will also lower the extruder speed.

You might want to tweak the flow rate to get better prints. For instance, if I am printing an object that has a base with thin walls or pillars, I might lower the flow on these details.

Re: Speed Multiply in Reptier-Host

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:28 pm
by Vic
I am sorry if I appear dense but I need some clarification. Is "feedrate" the rate of printing and "flowrate" the rate of extrusion?

Re: Speed Multiply in Reptier-Host

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:37 pm
by geolupulus
My understanding is that Feedrate is the rate of printing & extrusion(arm movement speed AS WELL as filament extrusion rate). It essentially speeds up both aspects of the print.

Flow rate operates separately, it's increasing the amount of filament extruded ONLY. It will cause an increase in the rate of filament extruded throughout the print. It will not change the speed of the printer's arms.

You can increase feedrate to print faster, you can increase flowrate to fill in gaps if the extruded filament isn't touching itself as the printer moves around on a layer. They can be used separately or together depending on your print's needs.

Keep in mind, if you print things more than once you will want to remember what corrections you're applying to your print so you can recreate that part in the same manner. It's probably best to reslice your model with your corrections and save that gcode when you're done. That way you have it all ready to go for the next time you print instead of having to go back to your notes.

If I am mistaken hopefully someone can point it out but I'm pretty sure that's how it goes.

Re: Speed Multiply in Reptier-Host

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 10:29 pm
by Vic
Thanks for the explanation.