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First layer not sticking problem

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:15 pm
by ximeng
Hi everyone,

I'm using an ORION printer, a problem came up that the first layer is always not attaching to the bed.

I'm using PLA, extruder 200/bed 60. One layer of white gaffer tape on glass heated bed. I've tried a lot of different Z height, from too far to too close to bed. They were all not working.

Any suggestion? I notice that when I run tower g-code file, nozzle seems to scratch tape when moving to one of the towers. Could it be a bed leveling issue?

Re: First layer not sticking problem

Posted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:50 pm
by Eaglezsoar
It could be a bed leveling problem or it could be that you need to get away from using the tape and using glue sticks or hairspray as
adherence agents. I spray the purple can of Aqua Net hair spray directly on the glass and let it dry. I then use a piece of copying paper
and place the paper on the glass and use the front panel to bring the nozzle down so that it just applies a LITTLE tension to the paper.
Works every time for me.
You can use a sheet of PEI to help your parts to stick, the whole story is here ... PEI#p91825
The story is told at other locations also, use the search function to find the other threads.

You can use other forms of adhesive on the glass also, I recommend the search function to find threads of sticking to bed or something similar.
Best of luck with your problem.