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0.92 Firmware Upgrade for HE280...Any tips?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2016 10:08 am
by brbubba
My 3 year old machine is ready for an update, any tips doing this upgrade on an Orion? I'm getting all the new parts in place, getting ready to do the firmware upgrade. I did read that I might have to alter the firmware for the 1mm longer ball joint arms. Anything else to consider or will the auto-calibration take care of everything?

EDIT: Reading through the configuration.h file and it looks like the ball arms are already accounted for in firmware. So far I think I just have to change the define printer model to Orion and should be 90% of the way there. Will test and see, other tips welcome.

Turns out I didn't reset the eeprom before upgrading the firmware which was the source of my problems. Now I seem to have some issues with auto-calibration being about .10 mm too far from the plate.

Re: 0.92 Firmware Upgrade for HE280...Any tips?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:20 pm
by lesser.evil
Any updates on this? I'm about to go through the same process and I'd love to hear any tips you might have.

Re: 0.92 Firmware Upgrade for HE280...Any tips?

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2017 12:38 pm
by schlrobe
I've done all the upgrades: Arms, cheapskates, and hot end. I've updated the firmware and everything seems to work fine for me... Except the calibration stuff. I have tried to calibrate using the old manual method and the new auto-calibration method and by the X tower it's always low, high across from it, while the Y and Z towers seem to be good. Well, good-ish. I'll post some photos when I get home of the print error..

There are a couple "new" things I need to try that have been thrown about in the V3 calibration threads. Hopefully one of them will work on the Orion...

Silly 1st world problems, right?

Re: 0.92 Firmware Upgrade for HE280...Any tips?

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 6:03 pm
by tomcapizzi
Hey, is there an update on this? I upgraded my old(er) Orion and the software is cannot (as far as I have gotten so far) cannot be loaded in a way that the machine knows which way is up!

The calibration fails every time U upload the recent builds of the EEPROM firmware. When I load the 2015 build, the printer homes perfectly the first time (of course the new hotend fails!). Loading the new software, the hotend works, but it will not calibrate, and will not home. When I hit "home" the printer lowers about and inch until the hotend crashes on the bed.

Has anyone had this happen? How did you fix it?

Re: 0.92 Firmware Upgrade for HE280...Any tips?

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 3:05 pm
by brbubba
I was able to get it working with tweaks to the firmware, but auto-calibration was still useless. I would auto-calibrate and then upon printing it would come down high on the plate. There are also some issues in firmware with regard to my motors, I have the old motors which require a different current. Currently upgrading to the latest firmware to see if calibration issues have been resolved. Will update if I have anything.

So far though, upgrade is more headache than its worth.

Re: 0.92 Firmware Upgrade for HE280...Any tips?

Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:50 am
by pouncingiguana
Regarding it coming down high on the plate, you probably need to adjust your Z probe height in the EEProm. If the print head is too high, you want to increase the value in the EEProm, then run the calibration again. If it's sitting 0.3mm too high when it's printing, add 0.3 to the value, re-probe, and give it a whirl. Once you dial in the number, it sticks around in the EEProm, so it's something you only need to do once.