Please help this pilgrim the Y axis printing shorter than X axis! (RESOLVED)

A pre-assembled Delta Printer that can print a 6" cube 8" tall!
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Please help this pilgrim the Y axis printing shorter than X axis! (RESOLVED)

Post by Paragon1970 »

Hi Folks,

Firstly I am based in the UK, this unfortunately pretty much precludes me from purchasing items directly from SeeMeCNC due to shipping costs and import duties only mentioning this so as to explain my Heath Robinson'ish setup.

So the peek hotend gave up the ghost, I purchased an el cheepo E3D V6 clone (For testing), printed a top retaining bracket, to replace the melamine one that the peek hot end secured to.

Once v6 hotend secured and new cabling routed I found a slight misalignment at the 0.4 nozzle and bed center.
Calibrated Z position and then ran through towers. This showed varying heights which I then painstakingly ironed out with the home screws on the offending axis(s).

But here is the problem while printing a cube 10 by 10 by 10 mm:
The X axis is pretty darn good ~ 10 to 40 microns deviation ( 0.01 - 0.04 mm)
But the Y axis is way off 500 to 700 microns (0.5 - 0.7 mm )

I also printed a 20x20x20 mm box and am seeing a similar deviation on the Y axis. 500 to 700 microns (0.5 - 0.7 mm )

Could someone please give me some pointers as to how to resolve this issue as thus far I have been scouting the interweb but nothing has resolved this.

This Orion is running 0.91S version of Repetier and employs the older melamine based skates, not the newer plastic cheapskates and ball joint arms. Did go to purchase them from SeeMeCNC but the shipping was like $60+ dollars not including import duties (HMRC the robbing B&$£&rd$) which makes the delivery and taxes more expensive than the parts :-(

All the Best,
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Re: Please help this pilgrim the Y axis printing shorter than X axis! (RESOLVED)

Post by Paragon1970 »

Posting In case anyone is interested or has similar issue.

Printed 10 x 10 x 5 with no auto-bed calibration, measured with Mitutoyo micrometer (0.001mm / .00005" resolution)
X = 10.005mm (0.39390")
Y = 10.002mm (0.39375")
Z = 5.002 (0.19690")

It turned out that I missed a few settings in the configuration.h. :roll:
1) Set correct dimensions for use with Laser cut skates and pin joint arms. The default was set for cheapskate / ball joint arms.
2) Resolved play / slop in effector and arms by wrapping the square arm joint knuckles in plumbers PTFE tape. This appears to work remarkably well.
3) Firmware upgrade to 1.0.3, I decided to move away from the 0.91 / 0.92 bespoke SeeMeCNC firmware for a number of reason:-
--- It has not been upgraded for sometime.
--- It requires Arduino IDE 1.6 (will not compile on latest version)
--- I'd rather employ PlatformIO for development, the latest Repetier firmware release compiles without issue out the box without the need of Arduino IDE specific library's.

Whats Next?
Currently working on an ADAFruit LIS3DH Accelerator module (Similar to the IIS2DH used on the HE280) for bed leveling.
Preferring the idea of taking this functionality outside of the Rambo Repetier Firmware thus keeping the firmware stock, not to mention space restriction of the Rambo Atmega 2560 board. Looking at similar setup to

Finally here are some pictures of the el-cheapo E3D V6 clone extruder. Its not final, a bit of cable management is required ;)
These pictures also show the PTFE tape in use as mentioned previously. As can be seen I started with wrapping the end of the arms but this was a bit of a pain so I simply wrapped the white joint knuckles which work just the same.
All the best,
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Re: Please help this pilgrim the Y axis printing shorter than X axis! (RESOLVED)

Post by geneb »

Congrats on the fix! You might want to look into getting a set of the new carriages & ball/cup arms. It does make a big difference over the u-joint system and finicky melamine carriages.

BTW, the reason the SeeMeCNC firmware is stuck on Arduino 1.6 is due to the code size. The HE280 code is pushing the RAM sources to the edge and some change in the C compiler after 1.6 makes the firmware crash randomly. If you don't need the HE280 support, there's no reason to stick to the SeeMeCNC branch of the firmware.

If you upgrade to a Duet & a Duet Smart Effector (or an SE300), you'll be astonished at the calibration improvements it brings.

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Re: Please help this pilgrim the Y axis printing shorter than X axis! (RESOLVED)

Post by Paragon1970 »

Thanks very much for your response and advice Geneb.
Will definitely be looking into the suggestions you have provided.

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