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DropLit v2: Max in-plane and Z resolution?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:31 am
by 626Pilot
I was wondering what in-plane and Z resolution are, assuming that you get a 1920x1080 projector.

Re: DropLit v2: Max in-plane and Z resolution?

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2016 8:41 am
by lightninjay
As far as the Z resolution goes, according to the build guide, an M10 x 2 x 200mm Trapezoidal Lead Screw is used to drive the Z-axis. Your Z resolution will be based on this screw amd your motors ability to microstep low enough to achieve micro turns of the Z-screw.

In the likely event you were already aware of this, I apologize for not having more specific answers.

Re: DropLit v2: Max in-plane and Z resolution?

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:55 pm
by 626Pilot
Did a little math, based on the projector resolution and the published resin tank size. This assumes that the projector is focused to perfection: it exactly fills at least one dimension of the resin vat, with no blur at all. We can't have both dimensions fully covered because the aspect ratio of a 1920x1080 projector is slightly different from that of the tank.

Dimensions (mm, px)
115 <-> 1920
70 <-> 1080

Aspect Ratios
1920/1080 = 1.7777
115/70 = 1.6429

Pixel Sizes
(assuming full vat coverage)
115/1920 = 0.0599
70/1080 = 0.0648

The aspect ratio of the resin tank doesn't exactly match that of the projector, so I guess you'd get full Y (1080 pixels across 70mm) and most of X (1920 pixels across slightly less than 115mm). Based on this, I suppose that we could expect a resolution (projected pixel size) of about 65 microns in the XY plane. With a normal FDM printer, we'd have a minimum feature size between 250 and 500 microns (usually either 400 or 500), depending on the nozzle.

How does that look?