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Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:32 am
by geneb
What are you getting replaced?


Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:54 pm
Apparently the main board on the print head, or so im told.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:19 pm
by geneb
Ah, ok.


Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:54 am
by themitch22
JATMN wrote:Apparently the main board on the print head, or so im told.
what was the issue with the board? Maybe it's the same issue preventing my auto-calibration from working every time.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Sat Jun 11, 2016 6:54 am
by Mac The Knife
themitch22 wrote:
JATMN wrote:Apparently the main board on the print head, or so im told.
what was the issue with the board? Maybe it's the same issue preventing my auto-calibration from working every time.
You should contact customer service and discuss this with them. Auto calibration should work every time you run it.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 2:16 pm
by RanD
I just received ERIS #27 last week, one of the first 50 machines???? ERIS looks great right out of the box. Factory test print looked good. I have 2y desktop 3DPrinting experience. I read thru many posts here before attempting to print, downloaded MC, settings, fastened my loose hot end cable, bottomed both ends of Bowden tube, and re-set spool guide tube so both ends protrude thru case openings.

Calibration went fine, Cube calibrate print failed @ Z=2.25mm, printed air for 1/2 hr. before I noticed, hotend e-connector plug dislodged, filament feeder shredded the filament, leaving a ground radius at the break.
I cleaned the shredded PLA, pulled remainder from Bowden tube re-connected plug and re-loaded for another try.

Next, I rafted Cube #2 and it seemed to print okay, so I decided to try a real functional (400+ layer) model on a raft, I watched first 10+ layers.
It failed @ Z=3mm and found shredded filament again, recovered again and re-loaded filament, recalibrated to print again. Second try failed @ Z=23.2mm while I was out picking strawberries last Friday afternoon, I could not take time to investigate until Monday. I now found a filament plug between Bowden tube and effector, after finding process to manually remove this filament plug, here. There was also a 50mm length of filament leading to the plug which was 50% greater diameter, causing manual filament retraction to be very difficult due to friction inside the Bowden tube.

I'm back in my maker space today, and my first calibrations were inconsistent, re-checking 1st position, then 1st & 2nd, multiple times, then on next try calibrate went smoothly, so I loaded a tapering cylindrical functional (600+layer) model, this time at standard 0.02mm resolution, no raft.
3 attempts to print failed on 1st layer - no adhesion. So I flipped the build plate to try glass side, not even a hint of adhesion here.

CRAP! 5th attempt has failed while composing this message! build height = 4.3mm

I don't want to flood the board posting the numerous pix of these events, but shall post any requested.

I have printed 8 copies of this same model (in pairs!) on my UP! plus this weekend.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 2:29 pm
by Mac The Knife
Go to SeeMeCNC's website, and hit up there chatbox. They will help you out.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 2:29 pm
by Qdeathstar
Are you using the matter control slicer? I've had (just a few) issues with some larger prints and the slicer.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:30 pm
by RanD
Thanx, mac! The SeeMeCNC site directs all new ERIS owners here, for the manual(?) and help. I'll go to SeeMeCNC now, and get a ticket.

Qdeathstar, I loaded Matter control, as advised at SeeMeCNC, and the settings, G-code files.

I did not know I was an early adopter until I found my serial #27 at noon. Read thru this ERIS board, attempted solutions before making contact.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2016 4:39 pm
by Mac The Knife
For general help, this is the place to go,,,, But when it doesn't want to calibrate properly, and you've tried with a cold hotend, a properly tightened nozzle, Head for their website.

Now,,,,, What to print next?

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:21 am
by Unpossible
I have a question about what tools I should have on hand. Actually I have lots of questions but I'll start with that one.

My boss bought one of these printers for our little engineering department (population: me). This is my first 3d printer though I have experience programming and operating various cnc routers and a waterjet. The first print went well. Since then most of the dozen or so prints I've attempted have failed for various reasons. Most commonly the filament is failing to extrude properly. Sometimes in the first few layers, sometimes in the last 15 minutes of a 4 hour print :evil:. Reading through these posts I'm assuming it's a common issue. I want to take it apart to see if there's a clog but I have no tools. What will I need in a toolkit for this thing?

I read a previous poster used: 1/4 inch nut driver for the nozzle, 1/2 inch open end wrench to hold the heaterblock, and a 9/16 inch wrench to turn the heatsink. Is there anything else that would be a good idea to keep on hand? I have only chopsticks, thin metal wire, and purple glue stick.

thanks for helping out this uber newbie!

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:26 am
by Mac The Knife
Those tools are enough to get by on. You shouldn't have to remove the heatsink,,, which is what the 9/16 wrench is for. When you replace the nozzle,,, before you print, heat it up to 220 or so, cut the power and tighten it again while its hot.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:05 pm
by gkrangan
Hi Mac-the-Knife,

I have a question for you.

I have a spare RepRap Discount LCD left over from my Kossel build, after I replaced it with a Full-Graphics controller.
Would this LCD by any chance, be compatible with the Mini-Rambo board on the Eris?

Thanks in advance.


Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:55 pm
by Mac The Knife
I don't know, But if it would work with the RamBo board that SeeMeCNC ships with the Rostock Max V2, then It should. You would not need to use the adapter board.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 8:28 pm
by themitch22
Is the new firmware listed here: for the Eris specifically? I need to update the firmware. I am having problems extruding less than 220C which I think is really high for most PLA's, is that supposed to be that high?

Edit: I figured out the firmware and updated it. I'm still going with JATMN's simplify3d profile which seems to be working the best so far at 220, I think it's this proto-pasta coffee PLA that's printing hot for some reason.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 8:40 pm
by themitch22
I also noticed looking at the IGES files, that it's for an earlier version of the Eris. For example I want to modify the spool holder model in Solidworks but I see it's slightly different than the production model.

I do like the User Manual you uploaded, it's looking good. I love open source hardware!

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 9:31 am
by gkrangan
themitch22 wrote: I am having problems extruding less than 220C which I think is really high for most PLA's, is that supposed to be that high?
I print at 200C, and never had any problems so far. I'm currently using a RED Hatchbox filament bought from Amazon. 220C does seem high for PLA.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2016 10:17 pm
by gkrangan
Mac The Knife wrote:I don't know, But if it would work with the RamBo board that SeeMeCNC ships with the Rostock Max V2, then It should. You would not need to use the adapter board.
There appears to be quite a few versions of the Mini-Rambo board. Since you probably have had a chance to see what is included in the Eris, do you know which one is actually installed inside the Eris?


Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:25 pm
gkrangan wrote:Hi Mac-the-Knife,

I have a question for you.

I have a spare RepRap Discount LCD left over from my Kossel build, after I replaced it with a Full-Graphics controller.
Would this LCD by any chance, be compatible with the Mini-Rambo board on the Eris?

Thanks in advance.


If you get this working let me know.. I have tired it a few times now and was not able to do more than light up the display.

This is the board that powers the Eris.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2016 8:37 pm
by Mac The Knife
Well, I won't be much help, I'm on vacation for the week. But while I brought my Eris along, I didn't bring any tools to strip it down,,,

I bought my display from Ultimachine, since they supply SeeMeCNC with the boards. ... 8570852743

45 bucks.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 12:49 am

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:51 am
by ejk00
Hi folks. Bought my Eris at KC Maker Faire this past weekend. Unboxing, setup, and calibration (on an iMac) went really well. Tried to run a print, and got nothing from the extruder. In reading through the forum this morning, it seems my error was in loading the filament all the way to the extruder, and then running the "Load Filament" routine. I'm assuming that I have some combination of a) unseated Bowden tube, b) shredded filament, c) unseated connector plug, or d) plug of filament in the extruder. I'm experienced in 3D printing, but I'm a newbie when it comes to working on these machines. If I need to take apart the hot end, I'm not sure I know how to do it. Any suggestions? Is it going to be intuitive - do I just start disconnecting things? - or do I need to be careful on certain areas?

Thanks in advance.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:01 am
by garfi3ld
Can you unload the filament? I've had good luck unclogging jams jus by pulling it out, making sure the bowden tube is seated, breaking off any damaged filament, then reloading it following the instructions.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:26 am
by Eaglezsoar
It would be great if all of the users of the Eris who contacted SeeMeCNC support for an Eris problem would then post the results on this forum
so that we all get a chance to read the problems and solutions.

Re: ERIS Early adopter feedback

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 8:14 pm
by Mac The Knife
Eaglezsoar wrote:It would be great if all of the users of the Eris who contacted SeeMeCNC support for an Eris problem would then post the results on this forum
so that we all get a chance to read the problems and solutions.

It is a two way street,,,, It would also be great if SeeMeCNC support would discuss some of the problems that has arisen, and the solutions for the problems.

I was on "vacation" for a week, so wasn't really able to chime in last week. I'm really looking forward to going back to work on Tuesday.