Duet setup - instructions in progress

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Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

My Rostock Max is temporarily converted to an Azteeg X3 Pro controller but there should be enough similarity with my Kossel 250 configuration (which is running a Duet .85, FSRs for leveling and WIFI) to be a reasonable starting place.

When converting a Rostock, the first thing is to swap out the existing (RAMBo) controller for the Duet. I have a V1 Rostock and the electronics are in the base. I experiment a lot with this machine so a while ago I set it up so the control board is mounted on one of the base doors with wiring coming to it terminated with locking connectors. I can simply make up a set of short adapter cables for any given control board, mount the board, and hook it up and be ready to go. You have to make the decision on where you want your control electronics. The Duet is about the same size as a RAMBo so you should be able to fit it to replace.

The first challenge is connectors. The RAMBo use the very nice Molex locking connectors. The Duet uses simple non-polarized .1" (2.54mm) spaced pins. My recommendation is to make short jumpers with the opposite Molex connector at one end and Philmore connectors at the other. You will need:

four 4 pin connectors for the four steppers
one optional 4 pin connector for the PanelDue (although you can use the supplied PanelDue connector on the expansion header instead of the dedicated PanelDue header on the v.8.5 Duet.)
four 3 pins for the end stops and FSR connector
four 2 pin connectors for two thermistors (bed/hot end), extruder cooling fan, part cooling fan

I actually used polarized connectors (Philmore) since I had them around AND at least I can get visual feedback that they are all facing the same way to verify the polarity.

The hot end and bed heaters attach to on-board connectors. Here's a photo on how they all hook up:

[img]http://mhackney.zenfolio.com/img/s7/v15 ... 1098-4.jpg[/img]

Starting at the upper left corner:
The green block is power to the heated bed, the 2 pin connector is the heated bed thermistor

Upper right corner:
This is the 4 pin PanelDue connector. Pay attention to the wire color order (and see my previous post here with the board pinouts) - these colors match the wires supplied with the PanelDue

Bottom right corner:
Well, above that is a 2 pin white connector - that is the hotend thermistor, the hot end connects to the black screw terminal block near the lower right corner.

Across the bottom right to left:

3 pin connector labeled P is to the extruder end stop - this is where the JohnSL board for interfacing the FSRs connect. It looks exactly like an end stop to the firmware. See note below.

4 pin connector labeled E is the extruder

3 pin X end stop
4 pin X stepper

3 pin Y end stop
4 pin Y stepper

3 pin Z end stop
4 pin Z stepper

Again, all of these are discussed and shown in more detail in my other post. Note on the end stop connectors, the middle position is not used.

Above the row of stepper/end stop connectors are two 2 pin connectors - these are the fans. The one on the left is the extruder cooling fan, the one on the right is the part cooling fan.

NOTE: the wiring harness that comes with the JohnSL/FSR kit from UltiBot needs to be modified. I left the end connected to the JohnSL board alone (the original connector). Here is how it attaches:

[img]http://mhackney.zenfolio.com/img/s2/v50 ... 7497-2.jpg[/img]

Note in the photo above (3 pin connector labeled P) that the red and black wires are reversed. Simply make up your new connector on the Duet side to match this photo.

RepRapFirmware config in the next post.

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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

As of this writing, the current RepRapFirmware - dc42 image - is 1.09k (EDIT to correct version). Download and flash it to your Duet. I'll not put those instructions here to keep this simple. I was not able to flash from Mac OS X but had not trouble flashing from Windows 7 or 8.

Also update your PanelDue firmware. Current version is .12 beta 2

Detailed info on flashing and commissioning Duet here. I recommend following it to the letter (but using the firmware versions above) to minimize the chance of damaging the Duet.

Note: dc42 is the author of the delta RepRapFirmware release and maintains it. Dave is a great guy and doing some very good work on it and the PanelDue (his design). He also designed and built the IR probe for Duet, but I still prefer FSRs.

The CF card has 3 folders on it: gcodes, sys and www. www is the built in web server. You won't need to do anything to the files in there. gcodes is where you can upload files to print. sys is where the action is.

The main config file in sys is config.g - here's mine for the Kossel250

Code: Select all

; Configuration file for Mini Kossel kit from Think3DPrint3D

; Communication and general
M111 S0                             ; Debug off
M550 PKossel250  		        	; Machine name and Netbios name (can be anything you like)
M551 opensesame                       ; Machine password (used for FTP)
M540 P0xBE:0xEF:0xDE:0xAD:0xFE:0xED ; MAC Address
;*** Adjust the IP address and gateway in the following 2 lines to suit your network
M552 P192.168.1.201					; IP address (0 = use DHCP)
M554 P192.168.1.200	                ; Gateway
M553 P255.255.255.0            	    ; Netmask
M555 P2                             ; Set output to look like Marlin
G21                                 ; Work in millimetres
G90                                 ; Send absolute coordinates...
M83                                 ; ...but relative extruder moves
M575 P1 B57600 S1                   ; Set auxiliary serial port baud rate and require checksum (for PanelDue)

; Axis and motor configuration
M569 P0 S1							; Drive 0 goes forwards
M569 P1 S1							; Drive 1 goes forwards
M569 P2 S1							; Drive 2 goes forwards
M569 P3 S0							; Drive 3 (extruder) goes backards
M569 P4 S1							; Drive 4 goes forwards
M574 X2 Y2 Z2 S1					; set endstop configuration (all endstops at high end, active high)
;*** The homed height is deliberately set too high in the following - you will adjust it during calibration
M665 R182.55 L288.0 B105 H255.83 X -0.22° Y -0.16° Z 0.00			; set delta radius, diagonal rod length, printable radius and homed height
M666 X-3.10 Y-0.13 Z2.97			; put your endstop adjustments here, or let auto calibration find them
M92 X80 Y80 Z80						; Set axis steps/mm
M906 X1000 Y1000 Z1000 E1000		; Set motor currents (mA)
M201 X1000 Y1000 Z1000 E1000		; Accelerations (mm/s^2)
M203 X20000 Y20000 Z20000 E3600		; Maximum speeds (mm/min)
M566 X1200 Y1200 Z1200 E1200		; Maximum instant speed changes mm/minute

; fan needs to be inverted
M106 P0 I1

; Thermistors
;*** If you have a Duet board stickered "4.7K", change R1000 to R4700 to the following M305 commands
M305 P0 T100000 B3950 R4700 H0 L0	; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the bed thermistor ADC correction
M305 P1 T100000 B4388 R4700 H0 L0	; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the first nozzle thermistor ADC correction
M305 P2 T100000 B4388 R4700 H0 L0	; Put your own H and/or L values here to set the second nozzle thermistor ADC correction
M570 S180							; Hot end may be a little slow to heat up so allow it 180 seconds

; Tool definitions
M563 P0 D0 H1                       ; Define tool 0
G10 P0 S0 R0                        ; Set tool 0 operating and standby temperatures
;*** If you have a dual-nozzle build, un-comment the next 2 lines
;M563 P1 D1 H2                      ; Define tool 1
;G10 P1 S0 R0                       ; Set tool 1 operating and standby temperatures
M92 E494:494                       	; Set extruder steps per mm

; Z probe and compensation definition
;*** If you have an IR zprobe instead of a switch, change P4 to P1 in the following M558 command
M558 P4 X0 Y0 Z0 H3 				; Z probe is a switch and is not used for homing any axes
G31 X0 Y0 Z-.05 P500				; Set the zprobe height and threshold (put your own values here)

;*** If you are using axis compensation, put the figures in the following command
M556 S78 X0 Y0 Z0                   ; Axis compensation here

M208 S1 Z-0.2						; set minimum Z
T0									; select first hot end
Let's go through this by section:

Communication and general

the IP address can be set to "0" to use DHCP. I found it more convenient to use a static IP so I always know what it is. This is especially convenient if using the WIFI bridge.

The gateway IP is to the WIFI bridge I'm using, Netmask matches the config on that device. Details on configuring wifi here.

Axis and motor configuration

This is where you'll need to be careful and configure to match your machine. My Rostock used the same directions for steppers and end stop configuration.

the line: M665 R182.55 L288.0 B105 H255.83 X -0.22° Y -0.16° Z 0.00 is where the action is for della configuration. You'll need to pull appropriate ball-park values for your Rostock - Gene's manual in the Repetier config section should list these.

The axis steps/mm (M92 X80 Y80 Z80 ) can be found in your EEPROM settings in Repetier.

The rest of the lines in this section should be ok. The M106 fan inversion only applies to Duet .8.5 not .6 and David is working on adding this to the firmware in a future version.


I'm running an E3D V6 hot end and a Kapton bed heater. These are my settings, you'll have to adjust for yours.

Tool definitions

The only thing you need to change here is your extruder steps per mm. I'm running an ezStruder with a 5:1 geared Kyson stepper motor. You can get this from your current EEPROM settings.

Z Probe and compensation definition

My values should be a good starting point. The only thing to notice is the Z-.05 setting that adjusts for the FSR trigger. I'm persnickety though, you can use Z0.

Finally, no axis compensation, my minimum Z is -/2 so I have a little headroom to auto calibrate. And T0 selects your single extruder hot end.


The other important sys file is homedelta.g:

Code: Select all

; Homing file for RepRapFirmware on Mini Kossel
G91							; use relative positioning
;******* Change F250 in the following line to F2500 when you are finished commissioning
;******* Change 320 in the following to a higher value if your Kossel has taller towers
G1 S1 X320 Y320 Z320 F2500	; move all carriages up 320mm, stopping at the endstops
G1 S2 X-3 Y-3 Z-3			; move all carriages down 3mm
G1 S1 X6 Y6 Z6 F250			; move carriages slowly up 6mm, stopping at the endstops
G1 Z-5 F2000				; down a few mm so that we can centre the head
G90							; back to absolute positioning
G1 X0 Y0 F2000				; centre the head and set a reasonable feed rate
This should work for you.

and lastly, bed.g is for auto configuraiton. Here's mine:

Code: Select all

; Auto calibration routine for delta printers
; Before running this, you should have set up your zprobe Z offset to suit your build, in the G31 command in config.g.

M561						; clear any bed transform, otherwise homing may be at the wrong height
G31 X0 Y0					; don't want any probe offset for this
G28							; home the printer

;*** Remove the following line if your Z probe does not need to be deployed
;M98 Pdeployprobe.g			; deploy the mechanical Z probe

; The first time the mechanical probe is used after deployment, it gives slightly different results.
; So do an extra dummy probe here. The value stored gets overwritten later. You can remove this if you use an IR probe.
;G30 P0 X0 Y0 Z-99999

; Probe the bed and do 6- or 7-factor auto calibration
G30 P0 X-86.60 Y-50.00 Z-99999	; X tower
G30 P1 X0.00 Y-100.00 Z-99999	; between X-Y towers
G30 P2 X86.60 Y-50.00 Z-99999	; Y tower
G30 P3 X86.60 Y50.00 Z-99999	; between Y-Z towers
G30 P4 X0.00 Y100.00 Z-99999	; Z tower
G30 P5 X-86.60 Y50.00 Z-99999	; between Z-X towers
G30 P6 X-43.30 Y-25.00 Z-99999	; X tower
G30 P7 X0.00 Y-50.00 Z-99999	; between X-Y towers
G30 P8 X43.30 Y-25.00 Z-99999	; Y tower
G30 P9 X43.30 Y25.00 Z-99999	; between Y-Z towers
G30 P10 X0.00 Y50.00 Z-99999	; Z tower
G30 P11 X-43.30 Y25.00 Z-99999	; between Z-X towers
G30 P12 X0 Y0 Z-99999 S6		; center and auto-calibrate 6 factors

;*** Remove the following line if your Z probe does not need to be retracted
;M98 Pretractprobe.g				; retract the mechanical Z probe

G1 X0 Y0 Z150 F15000			; get the head out of the way of the bed

This is for my Kossel 250 which has a smaller bed. I recommend you start with the above positions since they will be safe on a Rostock. You can then increase the probe radius later to get better bed coverage. I'll find some time to work up a set of points for the Rostock later. Note the lines commented out to deploy and retract the probe - that's not necessary with FSRs.

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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

Ok, here is the probe position gcode for bed.g and a python script to automatically generate it:

Rostock Max bed 125mm diameter:

Code: Select all

G30 P0 X-108.25 Y-62.50 Z-99999	; X tower
G30 P1 X0.00 Y-125.00 Z-99999	; between X-Y towers
G30 P2 X108.25 Y-62.50 Z-99999	; Y tower
G30 P3 X108.25 Y62.50 Z-99999	; between Y-Z towers
G30 P4 X0.00 Y125.00 Z-99999	; Z tower
G30 P5 X-108.25 Y62.50 Z-99999	; between Z-X towers
G30 P6 X-54.13 Y-31.25 Z-99999	; X tower
G30 P7 X0.00 Y-62.50 Z-99999	; between X-Y towers
G30 P8 X54.13 Y-31.25 Z-99999	; Y tower
G30 P9 X54.13 Y31.25 Z-99999	; between Y-Z towers
G30 P10 X0.00 Y62.50 Z-99999	; Z tower
G30 P11 X-54.13 Y31.25 Z-99999	; between Z-X towers
G30 P12 X0 Y0 Z-99999 S6		; center and auto-calibrate 6 factors
Just substitute this in bed.g.

If you want to generate your own, you can use the attached python script. After you download it, you will have to change the extension to .python. The file should be named bedprobes.python. You will need to have python installed. Simply run it from a command line like "python bedprobes.python"

The script will ask for the maximum radius to probe - enter it in mm and hit return. The script will then generate the probe gcode like that above.
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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by bot »

Just a note: there is no 1.09f version of dc42 firmware. The current version as of today is 1.09k.
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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by Eaglezsoar »

Wonderful, just what I am looking for.
Mhackney is known for his great technical write ups but we all owe him thanks for this current write up for the Duet.
Michael is a business man and has many things that occupies his time yet he will take the time to help us all out with these types
of instructions. I am indebted to him. ( in case you are wondering I was not paid to write this :) )
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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by 3D-Print »

Thank you..... Awesome detail!
My 3D-Printing learning curve is asymptotic to a Delta's X, Y and Z-axes
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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

bot wrote:Just a note: there is no 1.09f version of dc42 firmware. The current version as of today is 1.09k.
Right you are Bot, not sure what I was looking at! I fixed the link and version in the original post.


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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

Thanks guys, sorry this isn't up to my usual level yet. But it is a work in progress and I'll update it when I move Duet back onto my Rostock.


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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by geneb »


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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

Attached is a Duet mount that works with both v.6 and v.8.5 versions. I attach this to the outside door on the base of my Rostock but you could mount it anywhere horizontally or vertically.
Duet Flat Mount.stl
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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by Eaglezsoar »

Mhackney indicated that these writings are not up to his usual level and I had to chuckle.
He is 1000 times better than me as a technical writer and feels there is room for improvements.
Michael we are just elated when you write all the technical stuff for us "dummies".
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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by 626Pilot »

OK, here's a question: What is everyone using to mount their Duet?
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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

Here are 2 I drew up. The first is what I use on my Rostock. It simply screws to one of the lower panel doors. The second is designed for mounting to 20x20 but could be used to mount in the Rostock base "standing up". Hope this helps. Let me know if you need something modified, I can do that quickly now that I have the basic pattern for the Duet in CAD.
Duet Mount.stl
(133.19 KiB) Downloaded 388 times
Duet Mount with Mount Holes.stl
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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by Lightpath »

Hey Michael, how did you connect the FSR board to your Duet?

It's not obvious how that should be done, although I could have missed something. :)

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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

First, I use the JohnSL board to interface the FSRs. It then attaches to the Duet as an endstop. In the photo above, it is described and annotated in the photo as "P".

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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by Lightpath »

Sigh, reading is hard. I see it now.
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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

signal goes to signal

That 1st post has a photo of the JohnSL and the Duet boards. You can see the arrangement of wires on the JohnSL as red-black-grey from left to right in the photo. Then on the Duet they are grey-red-black left to right in the photo. Follow the photos!

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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by Lightpath »

Thanks very much Michael, I've got precisely what I need. You're an amazing coach with respect to this stuff!

Thanks again-

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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

Thank you for that. I actually do have a method to my madness (technique)! It is always best to coach a person on how and where to get the info they need than to just provide the answer. Thanks for recognizing that!


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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by Lightpath »

I coach people at work, so yep, I get it. I actually found a ton of your other posts on other board, and pieced together a fair bit of information from there. Too bad I didn't just read what you wrote above. :lol:
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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

That's one of the main reasons I started my new blog. The idea is that I can consolidate everything into a single place. There have been a lot of FSR related mounting and configuration questions on google plus, the google groups, several forums that I've participated in. Looks like this will be my next blog post Everything you wanted to know about FSR probing but were afraid to ask!

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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by Lightpath »

Hey, so you have:

M92 E494:494 ; Set extruder steps per mm

Is that for dual extruders?

I'd think it would need to be:

M92 E494

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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by mhackney »

Yes, dual extruders. They are both Bondtech QRs.

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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by Lightpath »

I also had a lot of trouble upgrading the firmware using the mac. I eventually had to use a PC.

In the middle of trying to get it upgraded there was a really loud "BANG!". I think it may have been the old ATX power supply- I unplugged it from the Rambo, but hadn't unplugged it from the mains. I did not have it connected to the Duet. I use a 24v power supply for the bed so I figured I'd just hook that up to the Duet. The Duet appears to be fine- I looked it over very carefully, and with that loud of a bang I'd expect to see a shattered, gutted component, and I did not. I'll do an autopsy on the old PS some day, but right now everything is fine.

I finally got the firmware upgraded, I had to follow these guides:

https://miscsolutions.wordpress.com/201 ... issioning/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

At this point I have the following working:

The extruder motor
All of the tower motors are running correctly
The heaters work
The thermistors work, but I am fairly certain they are not calibrated properly. I'm using an E3dv6 and the Onyx bed, I'll tackle this another time.

I'm now trying to set things up so that I can get the auto calibration working. It now lowers itself to just above the bed, moves to 9 different points, then I have it home itself again.

It doesn't appear to actually do any testing. This could, potentially, be a height setting issue, but I just see it swing from point to point, and not actually try to lower itself to trigger the FSR.
I think I set the height about 3mm too high here:

M665 R130 L269.0 B105 H375 X -0.22° Y -0.16° Z 0.00 ; set delta radius, diagonal rod length, printable radius and homed height

L269 is because I have the tricklaser arms.

I'll keep tackling the auto calibration tomorrow.
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Re: Duet setup - instructions in progress

Post by Lightpath »

It looks like my last problem (Ha!) has to do with extrusion. After I execute the self leveling I uploaded an object I sliced in kisslicer. When I go to print it the extruder motor goes mad, spinning way more quickly than the extruder can handle. When I extrude 5mm manually I can get it to extrude reasonably well. Anything more than 5mm and it starts to slip. When I go to print, however, the extruder motor goes crazy and spins (skips) pretty aggressively.

I suspect I may have issues with my thermistor setting, and that the issue is the extruder isn't actually up to temp. You use a 5:1 reduction gear in your extruder where I do not, I am using the standard, and my steps per mm is set:

M92 E94.4
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