Dual Extruders for Cyclops Effector using Marlin-Arduino

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Dual Extruders for Cyclops Effector using Marlin-Arduino

Post by Scintilla »

Posts: 2
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GCode for Cyclops Dual Extruders
Postby Scintilla » Fri Apr 27, 2018 11:21 am

Hello GCode Experts,
As you can see below I have posted a question concerning GCode in my introductory post. I guess I should have posted it here so please bear with me as I repost on this more-appropriate page.

Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2018 1:59 pm
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Dual Extruders for Cyclops Effector using Marlin-Arduino
Postby Scintilla » Fri Apr 27, 2018 11:06 am

Hello Everyone in the SeeMe Community :)
This is my first ever question and I hope to be able to help others with my inputs when I feel I have something useful to say.
By way of introduction, I have a long history of Biomedical Engineering instrument design and manufacture (not using CNC machinery unfortunately) but, now that I'm fully retired, I'm slowly coming to grips with 3D printing.

My question is:
Am I the only person in the universe who is running a RAMPS 1.4 in an Anycubic Kossel Delta Plus Frame and who has run up against a brick wall trying to find the right combination of Marlin-Arduino Firmware which will allow me to run Dual Extruders for my new Cyclops Effector?

It seems there are umpteen versions and combinations of Marlin and Arduino to be downloaded but I lack the ability to add Dual Extruders to my original (Chinese) Arduino program which otherwise works really well. I have fitted the extra motor to E1 and it runs when energised in one version of Marlin which supports Cyclops and Single nozzle extrusion, but for a different Board.

I have been running the original, as-supplied, Firmware from Anycubic, with its very good Delta setting ability and other basic speed, direction, endstops, steps per rev., etc. The results 'out of the box' were really impressive.

Now my ambition is to run the new Cyclops Effector, preferably with selectable E0 and E1 extruders, as well as maybe later doing some 'interdigitation' of the extruder steppers to make a quasi-mixing filament output. Maybe this already exists.

This may seem pretty trivial to expert G-code programmers but I have spent uncounted hours trawling the internet, trying different combinations of Firmware tweaks, with no tangible results. Sad to say, the Marlin and Arduino forums are pretty unhelpful to those of us who are 'plodders' in this uncharted territory. :?

I would be very grateful if some kind person could point me to some information on achieving this ability to modify the Firmware. Or maybe a clear tutorial?

Whenever I change the #MOTHERBOARD from 33 EFB to 34 EEB and the number of extruders from 1 to 2 and try to compile I have the error message:
'E1_STEP_PIN' was not declared. Finding my way through pin assignment is way out of my ability at the moment.

On a more constructive note, I have fitted the magnetic effector plate for the Cyclops Effector and I have encountered several serious problems. This is far from being a good design. I will post a short description and some pix of my workarounds sometime soon.

Thanks for reading this far and I look forward to being an active and useful contributor.

Mac The Knife
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Re: GCode for Cyclops Dual Extruders
Unread postby Mac The Knife » Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:32 pm

Even better, your question is looks to be better suited in the Ramps section of the forum,,,, viewforum.php?f=30
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