Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

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Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

Post by TMIB »

I just upgraded my Rostock V2 with the HE280 hot end and the EZRStruder. Everything looks to be running properly, up until the point where I try and run configuration.

When I send a G69 S2 command from the terminal, it puts the head right at the edge of the bed near the X tower, taps it twice, re-homes and repeats this process over and over until I kill it. Looking at the terminal, I see it has a Z probe error.

This feels like a configuration problem, but I am not seeing anything wrong in my config. I have it set up as though I am using a Rostock V3, to get all the settings for the HE280, but there are a few places where I edited the V3 settings to match what I actually have. For example, I have the carriage offset at 32 to match my trick laser trucks, and Z height max set to 350 (which is the V2 default).

Here's my current Configuration.h: https://github.com/TMIB/Rostock-Misc/bl ... guration.h

Here's a video of the behavior: https://youtu.be/uQV5572uh8o

The relevant portion of the terminal log is below.

Code: Select all

<-X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:350.000 E:0.0000
<-read reg 49 value: 21
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 10
<-read reg 49 value: 21
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 11
<-Z-probe state:L
<-Z-probe state:H
<-Z-probe:35.04 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:1203.00 X:-123.56 Y:-71.34
<-read reg 49 value: 101
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 3
<-read reg 49 value: 21
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 1
<-Z-probe state:L
<-Z-probe state:H
<-Z-probe:39.21 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:1537.00 X:-123.56 Y:-71.34
<-Error:Z-probe failed
<-Transformation matrix: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
<-X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:350.000 E:0.0000
<-read reg 49 value: 101
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 11
<-read reg 49 value: 21
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 11
<-Z-probe state:L
<-Z-probe state:H
<-Z-probe:34.89 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:1191.00 X:-123.56 Y:-71.34
<-read reg 49 value: 101
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 2
<-read reg 49 value: 21
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 2
<-Z-probe state:L
<-Z-probe state:H
<-Z-probe:37.00 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:1360.00 X:-123.56 Y:-71.34
<-Error:Z-probe failed
<-Transformation matrix: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
<-X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:350.000 E:0.0000
Here is what the terminal shows as my settings when it starts:

Code: Select all

<-EPR:2 75 250000 Baudrate
<-EPR:1 43 1 Advanced User
<-EPR:3 129 0.000 Filament printed [m]
<-EPR:2 125 0 Printer active [s]
<-EPR:2 79 900000 Max. inactive time [ms,0=off]
<-EPR:2 83 600000 Stop stepper after inactivity [ms,0=off]
<-EPR:3 11 80.0000 Steps per mm
<-EPR:3 23 250.000 Max. feedrate [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 35 80.000 Homing feedrate [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 39 32.000 Max. jerk [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 133 0.000 X home pos [mm]
<-EPR:3 137 0.000 Y home pos [mm]
<-EPR:3 141 0.000 Z home pos [mm]
<-EPR:3 145 250.000 X max length [mm]
<-EPR:3 149 250.000 Y max length [mm]
<-EPR:3 153 350.000 Z max length [mm]
<-EPR:3 59 1850.000 Acceleration [mm/s^2]
<-EPR:3 71 3000.000 Travel acceleration [mm/s^2]
<-EPR:3 881 290.800 Diagonal rod length [mm]
<-EPR:3 885 137.780 Horizontal rod radius at 0,0 [mm]
<-EPR:3 925 200.000 Max printable radius [mm]
<-EPR:1 891 80 Segments/s for travel
<-EPR:1 889 200 Segments/s for printing
<-EPR:1 893 0 Tower X endstop offset [steps]
<-EPR:1 895 0 Tower Y endstop offset [steps]
<-EPR:1 897 0 Tower Z endstop offset [steps]
<-EPR:3 901 210.000 Alpha A(210):
<-EPR:3 905 330.000 Alpha B(330):
<-EPR:3 909 90.000 Alpha C(90):
<-EPR:3 913 0.000 Delta Radius A(0):
<-EPR:3 917 0.000 Delta Radius B(0):
<-EPR:3 921 0.000 Delta Radius C(0):
<-EPR:3 933 0.000 Corr. diagonal A [mm]
<-EPR:3 937 0.000 Corr. diagonal B [mm]
<-EPR:3 941 0.000 Corr. diagonal C [mm]
<-EPR:3 808 -0.200 Z-probe height [mm]
<-EPR:3 929 20.000 Max. z-probe - bed dist. [mm]
<-EPR:3 812 60.000 Z-probe speed [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 840 50.000 Z-probe x-y-speed [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 800 0.000 Z-probe offset x [mm]
<-EPR:3 804 0.000 Z-probe offset y [mm]
<-EPR:3 816 -123.565 Z-probe X1
<-EPR:3 820 -71.340 Z-probe Y1
<-EPR:3 824 123.565 Z-probe X2
<-EPR:3 828 -71.340 Z-probe Y2
<-EPR:3 832 0.000 Z-probe X3
<-EPR:3 836 142.680 Z-probe Y3
<-EPR:0 880 0 Autolevel active (1/0)

<-EPR:0 106 1 Bed Heat Manager [0-3]
<-EPR:0 107 255 Bed PID drive max
<-EPR:0 124 80 Bed PID drive min
<-EPR:3 108 87.860 Bed PID P-gain
<-EPR:3 112 3.010 Bed PID I-gain
<-EPR:3 116 641.820 Bed PID D-gain
<-EPR:0 120 255 Bed PID max value [0-255]
<-EPR:3 200 92.400 Extr.1 steps per mm
<-EPR:3 204 100.000 Extr.1 max. feedrate [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 208 45.000 Extr.1 start feedrate [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 212 6500.000 Extr.1 acceleration [mm/s^2]
<-EPR:0 216 1 Extr.1 heat manager [0-3]
<-EPR:0 217 180 Extr.1 PID drive max
<-EPR:0 245 80 Extr.1 PID drive min
<-EPR:3 218 14.5000 Extr.1 PID P-gain/dead-time
<-EPR:3 222 0.7300 Extr.1 PID I-gain
<-EPR:3 226 53.4100 Extr.1 PID D-gain
<-EPR:0 230 235 Extr.1 PID max value [0-255]
<-EPR:2 231 0 Extr.1 X-offset [steps]
<-EPR:2 235 0 Extr.1 Y-offset [steps]
<-EPR:1 239 3 Extr.1 temp. stabilize time [s]
<-EPR:1 250 150 Extr.1 temp. for retraction when heating [C]
<-EPR:1 252 0 Extr.1 distance to retract when heating [mm]
<-EPR:0 254 200 Extr.1 extruder cooler speed [0-255]
<-EPR:3 246 0.000 Extr.1 advance L [0=off]
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Re: Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

Post by HComet »

The video clearly shows the HE 280 twisting as it taps. That may be causing inconsistent results and thus the calibration errors. You could try changing the values below to cause the probe to tap closer in to the center (just move it in a little). Maybe it will cause the twisting to stop.

<-EPR:3 816 -123.565 Z-probe X1
<-EPR:3 820 -71.340 Z-probe Y1
<-EPR:3 824 123.565 Z-probe X2
<-EPR:3 828 -71.340 Z-probe Y2
<-EPR:3 832 0.000 Z-probe X3
<-EPR:3 836 142.680 Z-probe Y3
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Re: Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

Post by TMIB »

Thanks! I knew the head turning like that was an issue, but wasn't sure which settings I needed to modify.

Through a bunch of trial & error with those settings I got it to work. I ended up with:

#define Z_PROBE_X1 -110
#define Z_PROBE_Y1 -64
#define Z_PROBE_X2 112
#define Z_PROBE_Y2 -64
#define Z_PROBE_X3 0
#define Z_PROBE_Y3 142.68
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Re: Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

Post by TMIB »

Hmm. Well the calibration runs fine now, but my prints look like crap.

Here's a couple of cubes, or at least they were supposed to be cubes:

I triple-checked my e-steps calibration by pulling the bowden tube from the hot end and measuring that extruding 100mm does indeed give me 100mm.

I don't know if this is an extruder or hot end issue. I'm planning to swap my stepper motor for a geared one (see my other post in troubleshooting), so it's probably better to wait and troubleshoot after the swap, as any extruder issue is going to be completely different with that setup.

Frustrating, to say the least.
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Re: Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

Post by Xenocrates »

TMIB wrote:Hmm. Well the calibration runs fine now, but my prints look like crap.

Here's a couple of cubes, or at least they were supposed to be cubes:

I triple-checked my e-steps calibration by pulling the bowden tube from the hot end and measuring that extruding 100mm does indeed give me 100mm.

I don't know if this is an extruder or hot end issue. I'm planning to swap my stepper motor for a geared one (see my other post in troubleshooting), so it's probably better to wait and troubleshoot after the swap, as any extruder issue is going to be completely different with that setup.

Frustrating, to say the least.
Looks like symptoms I've seen for too much residual heat and not enough top layers. Is this ABS or PLA, and what are your temperatures, minimum layer times, and fan percentages?
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Re: Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

Post by TMIB »

Xenocrates wrote: Looks like symptoms I've seen for too much residual heat and not enough top layers. Is this ABS or PLA, and what are your temperatures, minimum layer times, and fan percentages?
This is PLA, off a spool I have used lots of times before the hot end swap.

Temps I tried were 195 and 200

.2 mm layer height, first layer .3 mm

4 perimeters, 4 top and 4 bottom layers.

infill printing at 35mms, inside and outside perimeters at 25mms

maximum fan speed is 80%, turned off for the first 15 layers.

40 seconds minimum layer speed.

retract 1mm @ 20mms
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Re: Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

Post by morgandc »

What slicer on those cubes? My printer is working "fine" for most things but needs calibrated, an better and I printed one of those cubes via KISS and had the same thing. via matterslicer it looked like a cube.
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Re: Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

Post by TMIB »

I'm using MatterSlicer. These settings, slicer, and filament are all things I was using with my previous setup (e3D V6 and EzStruder).
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Re: Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

Post by TMIB »

Well, I installed the geared stepper motor, configured the esteps settings for it, re-calibrated and tried printing again. Night and day difference.

Before and after:



When running the automatic calibration, the head still often does the same twisting at the X tower as it does in the video I posted. Turning off the printer and re-running calibration seems to fix it most of the time.
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Re: Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

Post by mhackney »

On the probing - read my recent post on changing the probing point to bring them in a little. I've not had that happen since doing that.

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Re: Z Probe errors with Rostock V2 + HE280 hot end

Post by fzr400 »

I had the same problem and was pulling my hair out. After countless hours and help from this post I finally finished the calibration successfully! What I have learned: MAGNETS BAD!!!!!!!!
I also installed the ferrite cores on the probe wire including the blue wire which helped a ton, couldn't get past the first tower before that : http://forum.seemecnc.com/viewtopic.php?f=112&t=11054

Then in all my wisdom I installed my Buildtak Flexplate system which caused the center zprobe at the end of the calibration to fail ( the corners worked after the ferrite was installed. Also changing to the values closer to center as mentioned above in this post got me at least to the point of only the last center probe failing. I reluctantly pulled off my magnetic flexplate system (destroying the adhesive) and reinstalled the glass plate and the calibration worked the first time.
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