When I send a G69 S2 command from the terminal, it puts the head right at the edge of the bed near the X tower, taps it twice, re-homes and repeats this process over and over until I kill it. Looking at the terminal, I see it has a Z probe error.
This feels like a configuration problem, but I am not seeing anything wrong in my config. I have it set up as though I am using a Rostock V3, to get all the settings for the HE280, but there are a few places where I edited the V3 settings to match what I actually have. For example, I have the carriage offset at 32 to match my trick laser trucks, and Z height max set to 350 (which is the V2 default).
Here's my current Configuration.h: https://github.com/TMIB/Rostock-Misc/bl ... guration.h
Here's a video of the behavior: https://youtu.be/uQV5572uh8o
The relevant portion of the terminal log is below.
Code: Select all
<-X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:350.000 E:0.0000
<-read reg 49 value: 21
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 10
<-read reg 49 value: 21
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 11
<-Z-probe state:L
<-Z-probe state:H
<-Z-probe:35.04 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:1203.00 X:-123.56 Y:-71.34
<-read reg 49 value: 101
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 3
<-read reg 49 value: 21
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 1
<-Z-probe state:L
<-Z-probe state:H
<-Z-probe:39.21 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:1537.00 X:-123.56 Y:-71.34
<-Error:Z-probe failed
<-Transformation matrix: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
<-X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:350.000 E:0.0000
<-read reg 49 value: 101
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 11
<-read reg 49 value: 21
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 11
<-Z-probe state:L
<-Z-probe state:H
<-Z-probe:34.89 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:1191.00 X:-123.56 Y:-71.34
<-read reg 49 value: 101
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 2
<-read reg 49 value: 21
<-read reg 53 value: 0
<-read reg 57 value: 0
<-read reg 45 value: 2
<-Z-probe state:L
<-Z-probe state:H
<-Z-probe:37.00 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:1360.00 X:-123.56 Y:-71.34
<-Error:Z-probe failed
<-Transformation matrix: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
<-X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:350.000 E:0.0000
Code: Select all
<-EPR:2 75 250000 Baudrate
<-EPR:1 43 1 Advanced User
<-EPR:3 129 0.000 Filament printed [m]
<-EPR:2 125 0 Printer active [s]
<-EPR:2 79 900000 Max. inactive time [ms,0=off]
<-EPR:2 83 600000 Stop stepper after inactivity [ms,0=off]
<-EPR:3 11 80.0000 Steps per mm
<-EPR:3 23 250.000 Max. feedrate [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 35 80.000 Homing feedrate [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 39 32.000 Max. jerk [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 133 0.000 X home pos [mm]
<-EPR:3 137 0.000 Y home pos [mm]
<-EPR:3 141 0.000 Z home pos [mm]
<-EPR:3 145 250.000 X max length [mm]
<-EPR:3 149 250.000 Y max length [mm]
<-EPR:3 153 350.000 Z max length [mm]
<-EPR:3 59 1850.000 Acceleration [mm/s^2]
<-EPR:3 71 3000.000 Travel acceleration [mm/s^2]
<-EPR:3 881 290.800 Diagonal rod length [mm]
<-EPR:3 885 137.780 Horizontal rod radius at 0,0 [mm]
<-EPR:3 925 200.000 Max printable radius [mm]
<-EPR:1 891 80 Segments/s for travel
<-EPR:1 889 200 Segments/s for printing
<-EPR:1 893 0 Tower X endstop offset [steps]
<-EPR:1 895 0 Tower Y endstop offset [steps]
<-EPR:1 897 0 Tower Z endstop offset [steps]
<-EPR:3 901 210.000 Alpha A(210):
<-EPR:3 905 330.000 Alpha B(330):
<-EPR:3 909 90.000 Alpha C(90):
<-EPR:3 913 0.000 Delta Radius A(0):
<-EPR:3 917 0.000 Delta Radius B(0):
<-EPR:3 921 0.000 Delta Radius C(0):
<-EPR:3 933 0.000 Corr. diagonal A [mm]
<-EPR:3 937 0.000 Corr. diagonal B [mm]
<-EPR:3 941 0.000 Corr. diagonal C [mm]
<-EPR:3 808 -0.200 Z-probe height [mm]
<-EPR:3 929 20.000 Max. z-probe - bed dist. [mm]
<-EPR:3 812 60.000 Z-probe speed [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 840 50.000 Z-probe x-y-speed [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 800 0.000 Z-probe offset x [mm]
<-EPR:3 804 0.000 Z-probe offset y [mm]
<-EPR:3 816 -123.565 Z-probe X1
<-EPR:3 820 -71.340 Z-probe Y1
<-EPR:3 824 123.565 Z-probe X2
<-EPR:3 828 -71.340 Z-probe Y2
<-EPR:3 832 0.000 Z-probe X3
<-EPR:3 836 142.680 Z-probe Y3
<-EPR:0 880 0 Autolevel active (1/0)
<-EPR:0 106 1 Bed Heat Manager [0-3]
<-EPR:0 107 255 Bed PID drive max
<-EPR:0 124 80 Bed PID drive min
<-EPR:3 108 87.860 Bed PID P-gain
<-EPR:3 112 3.010 Bed PID I-gain
<-EPR:3 116 641.820 Bed PID D-gain
<-EPR:0 120 255 Bed PID max value [0-255]
<-EPR:3 200 92.400 Extr.1 steps per mm
<-EPR:3 204 100.000 Extr.1 max. feedrate [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 208 45.000 Extr.1 start feedrate [mm/s]
<-EPR:3 212 6500.000 Extr.1 acceleration [mm/s^2]
<-EPR:0 216 1 Extr.1 heat manager [0-3]
<-EPR:0 217 180 Extr.1 PID drive max
<-EPR:0 245 80 Extr.1 PID drive min
<-EPR:3 218 14.5000 Extr.1 PID P-gain/dead-time
<-EPR:3 222 0.7300 Extr.1 PID I-gain
<-EPR:3 226 53.4100 Extr.1 PID D-gain
<-EPR:0 230 235 Extr.1 PID max value [0-255]
<-EPR:2 231 0 Extr.1 X-offset [steps]
<-EPR:2 235 0 Extr.1 Y-offset [steps]
<-EPR:1 239 3 Extr.1 temp. stabilize time [s]
<-EPR:1 250 150 Extr.1 temp. for retraction when heating [C]
<-EPR:1 252 0 Extr.1 distance to retract when heating [mm]
<-EPR:0 254 200 Extr.1 extruder cooler speed [0-255]
<-EPR:3 246 0.000 Extr.1 advance L [0=off]