mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

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Re: Some tweaks and tips...

Post by DerStig »

mhackney wrote:Calibrate to get your baseline. After you calibrate, look at the eeprom settings for the tower offsets as shown above. In OctoPi I use 2 plug ins that make this really easy: 1) EEPROM Repetier Editor Plugin and 2) Custom Control Editor. I created a custom button that runs the v3Probing.gcode script, making it really easy. Here's a screenshot on how to set that up:
Screen Shot 2016-10-13 at 3.05.19 PM.png
Once you have the control created, you need to put a copy of the script in: /home/pi/.octoprint/scripts/gcode/custom on your RasperryPi. The control automatically looks in the custom folder.

Another thing you can do is add a line to your v3Probing.gcode script to turn off the hotend while probing. This allows you to get everything heated up and then probe while things are hot but with no issues with current running to the hot end (the accelerometer probe won't work properly if there is current flowing to the hot end. Here is my modified script:

Code: Select all

M104 S0 ;turn off hot end
G69 S2 ;Endstop Calibration
G68 ;Horizontal Radius Calibration
G30 S2 ;Z height calibration
M117 Z Height Calibrated
M500 ;Save values to EEPROM
G4 S2

How do you save the scripts to /home/pi/.octoprint/scripts/gcode/custom ? I'm also not understanding how to create the script in the first place.

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by mhackney »

Create the script on your computer and then transfer it to the CF card. You can either use telnet and telnet into the pi or simply move the card to your computer and copy it over.

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by geneb »

Might have to use ssh - I don't think telnetd is enabled by default on any distro the Pi uses.

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by mhackney »

ah, you are indeed correct.

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by barry99705 »

geneb wrote:Might have to use ssh - I don't think telnetd is enabled by default on any distro the Pi uses.

At least someone was thinking about security!
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Firmware update for calibration improvements...

Post by mhackney »

SeeMeCNC uploaded a dev version of firmware last night for me to test. It is working much better to eliminate the bed tilt I was getting after calibration. I'm continuing to test today as well as a few others. You can get a copy on their GitHub, just make sure to select the dev branch. Make SURE to run the clear_eeprom sketch before uploading it to your V3!

One thing to keep in mind is that getting the right Z max length is critical. This is measured as the last step in the calibration but it is also influenced by the Z-probe height parameter in EEPROM. By default, this is set to -0.20 - but see below...

Before I installed this new firmware, I had tweaked my Z Max to get perfect first layer height. I forgot to write down what my Z-probe offset was so I got to recalibrate it and thought this might be interesting to others:

On my first print attempt I realized Z was too low and my layers were way too thin. So I started manually tweaking the Z Max by adding .03 mm to it in EEPROM and doing a test print (one of my single layer 50mm disk things is perfect for this). After a couple of tweaks I was able to get a good calibration print across the entire bed. Perhaps a little thin between X and Z but we are talking about .05mm variations, which on a disk this size and machine like this is excellent.

Now that I've done the manual offset I can use that to calculate the Z Probe Height in EEPROM. By default it is set to -0.200. But it is easy enough to determine the best value for your machine. After you do your initial calibration, write down your Z Max length. Then as you tweak and get to the correct Z height as described above, simply subtract the calibrated Z Max Length from the new one:

Code: Select all

Z max tweaked - Z max original calibration = delta Z 
Then ADD this value to the Z-probe height parameter, which is -0.20 in the default firmware:

Code: Select all

Z-probe height + delta Z = new Z-probe height
Store the new calculated Z-probe height in EEPROM and run a test calibration. Double check your Z Max Height to make sure it makes sense. Test print and maybe tweak a bit if needed.

Here are my results:

Code: Select all

Calibrated Z Max: 402.219 mm
Z Max after tweaking: 402.410 mm

delta Z = 402.410 - 402.219 = 0.191 mm

Original Z-probe height: -0.20

New Z-probe height = -0.20 + 0.191 = 0.009mm - which is "0", .001 mm is meaningless precision on these printers. I round everything to the hundredths (.01) place for final setting.
So I set my Z-probe height to 0.00 mm in EEPROM. This makes sense in my case because of the way I currently have my bed mounted. There is essentially no flex in it at all. The Z-probe height is basically a fudge factor in this case to compensate for the deflection due to probe impact. Since the nozzle actually is the point of impact, the Z-probe height should be 0 in theory. In practice, any mechanical movement (flex, belt stretch, etc) will result in an artificially long Z max. The Z-probe height can be used to remove that error, which is why it is set to -0.20 mm in the default firmware. But I think if you do a good job tightening your bed mounts, you should be able to reduce the amount of flex.

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by Kevinvandeusen »

can we have a link to the dev section, cant seem to find it. found the repetier section updated 2 days ago.
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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by mhackney »

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by timskloss »

I'm reading through this thread and see that I had a similar issue with the auto calibration Gcode script. In my case the symptom was at the beginning when the X axis is being tapped. Instead of a light 'tap' on the glass, it gave more of a 'thunk' and the effector made a noticeable jiggle when it hit the bottom. Whenever this happened, the script attempted to set the X axis again; and if it 'thunked' it kept trying the X axis over and over.

The first time this happened I noticed that the connection on the HE280 had come loose. Turning off the machine and reseating the connector fully into the HE280 solved this problem. I think the sensor was not connecting back to the Rambo therefore missing the trigger event and over-driving of the motors.

About 24 hours later I tried calibrating again and got the 'thunk' on the X axis. It kept attempting to repeat the X axis calibration over and over. This time I noticed that the HE280 was hot and there was some filament extruding from the tip. My hypothesis is that the nozzle should be clean and free of any residue on the tip because that can affect the shock sensor's triggering.

As long as I keep the nozzle clean and cold the calibration works perfectly. I did not heat the bed, however in hindsight I think I should have calibrated with the bed hot because there could be some warping or movement of the bed versus when it is at room temperature.

I plan to calibrate every day on this new V3 to account for shifting or stretching of the new materials as they wear in. But maybe I'm being over-cautious.
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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by mhackney »

Look at your calibration results each time you run it. If you see them staying the same, as you should, it is stable and there is really no need to full calibrate every day. It is acceptable to run JUST the Z height gcode on occasion but check that also. I keep a spreadsheet with all my calibration results and notes about what I may have done that could change it - like "installed FabLam" or "removed FabLam".

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Re: Checking your towers...

Post by DeltaCon »

mhackney wrote:Next, attach your bed as you normally would and then verify that all 3 towers are perpendicular like this:
[img] ... &mode=view[/img]
(click on this photo and it will be shown in the correct orientation!)
The short square arm should pass though the center of the build plate as shown. Press the short arm against the glass and then push it up to the tower. It should have no perceptible gap top to bottom. Let us know what you find.
Sorry to bring this up again... ;-)
Yes, I found gaps in the order of about .8 to 1.5 mm on full 40cm height from the bed (my angle is 40cm...). I have been trying to repair that by loosening the bottom screws for that tower, and fasten them again in the correct position. But as soon as the screws are tight, the gap is there again... Beside a third hand, what is the best way to get them into alignment again? Do I need to loosen all bottom and top screws of all towers, and start with one tower?
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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by mhackney »

Exactly! Loosen top and bottom on all three towers and start with one and adjust it. Hopefully that will work. If not you will have to shim or brace.

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by mhackney »

I just posted a short instruction on how to enable file sharing to the file system on a Raspberry Pi running OctoPrint: ... print.html

This makes it really easy to get gcode files to and from the RPi. Using samba, I can slice in KISSlicer and simply save the gcode directly to OctoPrint.

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TPRM = Totally Pimped Rostock MAX V3

Post by mhackney »

After spending several months with the stock V3 I decided to go for it and take it to the next level or two. Here's what I did in order. I'll post photos, etc as a follow up:

1) PEI print surface
2) Bondtech QR extruder
3) Duet Wifi controller with RepRapFirmware (dc42) and 7" PanelDue
4) my new FSR "plate mounting" system
5) E3D V6 hotend
6) Berd Air part cooling
7) Trick Laser mini carriages, effector and CF ball cup arms
8) a 2 drawer front panel based on Chris Androsoff's idea (thanks Chris and I'll post the files once I have photos to accompany)

Results? Superb! Here's a photo that highlights layer registration at 100mm/s (perimeters at 80mm/s):
And a typical first layer:

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by CaptainMerica »

Can you show / have you already shown how you adapted the platform to use the E3D V6 hot end? Thanks.
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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by mhackney »

I replaced it with either a TrickLaser platform or a 713Maker platform. However, there is a gent (Will Jayne) in the UK that has designed a new platform mount for the E3D this week. I have the STLs and it looks good. He'll be posting on TV soon. He posted some photos in the Facebook group. I'll post a link here when he does.

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by DerStig »

mhackney wrote:I replaced it with either a TrickLaser platform or a 713Maker platform. However, there is a gent (Will Jayne) in the UK that has designed a new platform mount for the E3D this week. I have the STLs and it looks good. He'll be posting on TV soon. He posted some photos in the Facebook group. I'll post a link here when he does.
I believe he is posting them tonight. I'm looking forward to getting them. I'm using the integrated blower ring effector and it's going to be. A nice tidy package
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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by DeltaCon »

This one? ... 517847257/

Can't wait to see your new FSR plate mount system. Most likely it is about extending the mounts farther out to prevent false triggers due to the bounce back effect? Have not noticed that myself, but every improvement is a win :D
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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by geneb »

Why would you replace a perfectly good carriage with one you've got to manually adjust?

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by mhackney »

@DeltaCon, yes that one. I've posted photos of my mount plate here in multiple places over the last month. I'll make an update post here soon. And yes, it moves the sensor out away from the max print perimeter.

@geneb, to whom is your question directed? And the question seems out of context, what are you referring to?

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New FSR Mounting System

Post by mhackney »

I've been using FSRs for probing for coming up on 3 years. They are 100% reliable, very precise and result in excellent calibration results. I have them on a Taz 4 Cartesian printer, 3 mini Kossels, 2 Kossel 250s, a V1 Rostock MAX, a D300VS delta, my Max Metal delta several other experimental printers and now, my V3. I originally designed this system for the Max Metal but it worked so well that I used it on my V3 and I'm going to retrofit my other deltas with it over the coming year. There are 2 significant aspects to this new mount.

1. Postion the FSRs outside the build plate perimeter.
Screen Shot 2017-02-06 at 4.08.17 PM.png
The "magic" is the red part. The grey part is the Onyx/glass/PEI. As you can see, the FSRs are positioned out away from the print perimeter. This minimizes the "teeter totter" effect when probing 1/2 way between FSRs. You can see it here:
Screen Shot 2017-01-14 at 10.47.52 AM.png
Moving the probing point out significantly decreases this effect. Here is what it looks like on the Max Metal.
Screen Shot 2016-12-27 at 3.40.52 PM.png
And here it is on my V3:
FullSizeRender 68.jpg
2. Don't overly constrain the contact point on the FSRs. This is one of the two reasons folks have had problems with FSRs (the other is that their bed is not stiff enough - this mostly applies to the Kossel Krowd™ that simply used glass with a Kaptan heater). The plunger system that I originally designed and used works reliably but only if you use high quality prints and prepare and lubricate them properly. Otherwise, they can bind ever so slightly leading to inconsistent triggering. The good news is, this issue is easy to identify and correct.

So, with this new system I simply adhere the FSRs and rubber plungers with sticky tape as you can see here:
Screen Shot 2017-02-09 at 10.20.45 AM.png
The FSR has a sticky back, just peal off the protective film and stick it to the top surface of the printer. The plungers that come with the Ultibots FSR kit also have a sticky back, so peal that and stick it to the top of the FSR sensor itself. Now you put a small dab of silicone seal on the top of the 3 rubber plungers (a SMALL dab) and press the FSR Plate onto them and allow to cure.

I actually don't bother with the silicone, I just have my plate resting on top of the plungers. I've never had an issue with the plate moving. I am working on a simple printable locator that will attach to the top printer plate that will keep the bed from shifting but since this has been working so well, I have not bothered.

Finally, you can see in the last drawing above a recent modification - the FSR Plate now has three ears. In my V3 photo I'm using big binding clips. I needed to add 3 additional rubber plungers under the FSRs to make room for those. But, by tweaking the FSR Plate with the ears I can remove those and use the ears to attach the Onyx/glass with the little blue (or other) holddowns. I do one other thing on my printer, I adhere the Onyx to the top of the FSR Plate with a disk of the 3M 468MP tape we use to attach PEI. This holds the Onyx perfectly flat while allowing it to expand and contract in the X-Y plane without buckling. It works quite well.

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2 Drawers for V3!

Post by mhackney »

NOTE: This version will not work in a stock V3. The bed clamps interfere with it inserting all the way. I'm working on a modification that will work on a stock V3. Stay tuned!

This is a simple 2 drawer insert for the base cabinet of a SeeMeCNC Rostock MAX V3. The idea came from my friend Chris Androsoff. He showed me his original 1 drawer cabinet when I visited him in Calgary a few weeks ago, I would have never thought of this on my own! There are 2 drawer styles, one has holders for 15 nozzles. E3D V6 or HE280 nozzles both fit.
FullSizeRender 70.jpg
FullSizeRender 71.jpg
FullSizeRender 72.jpg

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by geneb »

mhackney wrote: @geneb, to whom is your question directed? And the question seems out of context, what are you referring to?
Where's a mind reader when you need one? :D

I was referring to you replacing the stock carriages on the v3 with the TL ones.

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Re: 2 Drawers for V3!

Post by geneb »

mhackney wrote:

This is a simple 2 drawer insert for the base cabinet of a SeeMeCNC Rostock MAX V3. The idea came from my friend Chris Androsoff. He showed me his original 1 drawer cabinet when I visited him in Calgary a few weeks ago, I would have never thought of this on my own! There are 2 drawer styles, one has holders for 15 nozzles. E3D V6 or HE280 nozzles both fit.
Now that's just ridiculously cool. :)

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Re: mhackney's Real V3 Build Thread

Post by marcom »

Those mounts look great! Now I need to go buy a lasercutter ;-)

Also - clever drawers! I only have a V2 but those are neat.
Rostock MAX v2, Prusa i3, Makerfarm Pegasus
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