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Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:09 am
by mhackney
Three years ago today my Rostock Max early V1 arrived on my doorstep (see the 2nd post at the start of this very long thread). It has been an exciting 3 years to get to where it is now. I have no idea how many kilometers of filament have passed through this machine, but considering that it is printing at least 300 days a year, it has to be very high.

The old girl, Maxi I call her, has been a constant companion sitting next to my desk in my office. I've tweaked, modified and replaced many things on her but the original base, towers, top (except the top mounted extruder and filament holders - they're new - the V1s had the cool side arm extruder and holder) and steppers and cool 16 tooth aluminum pulleys remain. Back in December I blogged My current Rostock Max "ultimate configuration" and that post has been the most popular to date. Other printers - deltas and Cartesians alike - have come and gone but Maxi is the matriarch. She is surrounded by 4 other smaller deltas (Kossel 250s and Mini Kossels) that she printed the parts for, I suppose they truly are her children.

Here's Maxie, on this her third birthday, standing magnificently in her place of honor by my side ready to be fitted with the 7" PanelDue touch screen and red case you see near her base:
FullSizeRender 16.jpg

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:38 pm
by ramai
What a handsome printer!

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:42 pm
by mhackney
And now she has her birthday 7" PanelDue installed:
FullSizeRender 17.jpg

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:46 pm
by Tincho85
Maxie just got pimped!!! :D

Right now she's making daddy some $$$ printing fly reels.

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:48 pm
by mhackney
Maxie is constantly being pimped!

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:51 pm
by Tincho85
hahaah you dog... I didn't write the second line.

Who edited my previous message? you?

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:54 pm
by mhackney
Too funny, I did edit but I thought I was editing my post! This is why moderators need to be careful! (And sane)

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 3:59 pm
by Tincho85
No worries, it was kinda funny.

How is that kraken working? A dual extruder is a pending upgrade for me.

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:00 pm
by mhackney
I don't actually use it for multi extrusion any longer.

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:47 pm
by Windshadow
That is a great looking installation .

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:25 pm
by techstorage
Liking the new panel, I see some more upgrades for my Black Max in the near future. How long was the printer down to install the Dual controller card?

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2016 1:27 pm
by mhackney
Less than 30 seconds, maybe 10 seconds. It took about 15 minutes to assemble the PanelDue with 7" and most of that was taking photos. Once assembled, I flashed the latest firmware (maybe a minute or 2) but that is done without affecting the printer. The "install" is simply plugging it into the board.

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:53 am
by Nylocke
Hey Michael,

How long are your bowden tubes, and how are you securing the fittings to keep them from slopping around? I've been having problems with minor backlash. I can mostly negate the effect by adding .02 or so to the prime extruder, but it occasionally puts out a bit too much/little.

I recently did a "nozzle clean" with the atomic method from the Ultimaker resources, but I'm not sure its completely resolved. A couple things with curves near the seams have gaps where it took a while to prime after a retract move, seems like slop to me, though I have a pretty short length of tubing and clips in the connectors.

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:56 pm
by mhackney
Sorry for the late reply - I was driving to Rochester, NY today.

I can't measure my tubes until I get home on Friday. I use the little printed "claw" to hold the PTC fitting and that keeps things from moving. I use this one from Martin at Bondtech but there are others on thingiverse:

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 7:28 am
by DeltaCon
mhackney wrote:And now she has her birthday 7" PanelDue installed:
That's a nice birthday gift! ;-) Congratulations!

Updating to Duet WiFi electronics

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:13 am
by mhackney
I decided to try David Crockers Differential IR Probe on my Rostock. Currently it is fitted with FSRs but I can leave those in place and mount the IR probe and be able to do head-to-head comparisons. I've also converted the electronics to a pre-production Duet WiFi board that I was sent to test. So far it has been really nice, I haven't completely tested the effects of all the micro step options (up to 128 micro stepping). Here are some photos:

original 0.6 Duet before replacement:
[img] ... 8580-3.jpg[/img]

the new Duet WiFi waiting in the wings for its turn in the spotlight:
[img] ... 4572-3.jpg[/img]

installed using the same mount - the form factor is identical across the Duet .6, 0.8.5 and WiFi versions
[img] ... 2837-3.jpg[/img]

and all hooked up ready to run
[img] ... 2394-3.jpg[/img]

and here is the IR Probe mount I made for the Trick Laser effector and my modified water cooled E3D V6 hot end with Volcano. The clearances look closer in the photos, I'll put Kapton tape on the backside of the board t be safe but I think I'm ok. The mounting system can slide up and down (slots in the printed red mount) and forward back (a slot in the mounting ear on the red mount) so I can fine adjust the probe position.
[img] ... 8827-3.jpg[/img]
[img] ... 7341-3.jpg[/img]

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 9:12 am
by Jimustanguitar
I'm excited to hear about your experience with the IR sensor. I've got a bit of a love hate relationship with the FSRs on my latest build, and if IR works, it might win me over.

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 8:57 pm
by Qdeathstar
does the duet use all the same connectors as stock Romax or will I have to remake all the connections? Also, jimustanguitar, what issues do you have with the FSRs?

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 9:15 pm
by mhackney
Different connectors :(

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:09 pm
by sLpFhaWK
mhackney wrote:Different connectors :(
Hey man, I see you're located in MA, where abouts? Anywhere near boston by chance?

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:19 pm
by mhackney
Yes, in Groton.

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:32 pm
by sLpFhaWK
Okay it says you're about an hour away, if you were closer I was going to ask if you had any free time to possibly assist me in my build of the Rostock Max V2.

I ordered a partially built version but ups damaged it on transit and some of the wood parts got damaged, so ups paid for an entire new wood kit. but it's an earlier version of the v2 that uses the PC psu instead of the psu they now include in the v2 kit, with the v3 out soon I'm not sure if I should wait before assembly to see what exactly changed or just assemble and use as is.

seeing you've completed upgraded yours you know the machine in and out, so an experienced person such as yourself lending a hand would be most useful.

So I just fully disassembled what was sent to me, sorted all the screws, nuts, etc I have a question about pieces in a photo i'm going to attach maybe you can answer.
2016-08-24 13.11.54.jpg
The person glued those black parts onto the frame, and the belts as well. I had to take the belts off to i just ripped them off, should i risk taking those off as well to apply to the new wood parts or just reuse those?

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:43 pm
by mhackney
Where are you? Almost anything around Boston is an hour away!

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:47 pm
by sLpFhaWK
lol I am in Malden, just 10 mins north of Boston.

Re: Mhackney's Rostock Max

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:55 pm
by mhackney
I'd say "build what you got" now. Don't worry about v3, you;ll have a fine machine with a v2. Use the new PSU.

Those pieces are the Cheapskate Carriages. Maybe Gene can pipe n here but I thought the v2 kits were using the injection molded CSs?

It would help if 1) you start a new thread for this and 2) describe with photos exactly what you had to start and what was damaged on shipment and also what you've done (tear down) so far.