Damaged autolevel

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Damaged autolevel

Post by ivanhandler »

I just pulled off the brass nozzle and replaced it with a hardened steel one (I want to print glow in the dark filament). Very difficult to remove the nozzle, twisted the hotend and one of the wires to the aluminium block separated. I thought I soldered it in, looks good, but not apparently done well. Here is a list of some of the communications back and forth.
READ: Z-probe state:L
READ: zprobing...
READ: Z-probe state:H
READ: Z-probe:19.81 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:-15.00 X:-54.00 Y:-31.00
READ: X:-54.00 Y:-31.00 Z:-0.012 E:0.0000
READ: read reg 49 value: 101
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 3
READ: read reg 49 value: 21
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 7
READ: Z-probe state:L
READ: zprobing...
READ: Z-probe state:H
READ: Z-probe:19.82 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:-14.00 X:-54.00 Y:-31.00
READ: X:-54.00 Y:-31.00 Z:-0.025 E:0.0000
READ: read reg 49 value: 101
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 2
READ: read reg 49 value: 21
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 4
READ: Z-probe state:L
READ: zprobing...
READ: Z-probe state:H
READ: Z-probe:19.15 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:-68.00 X:54.00 Y:-31.00
READ: X:54.00 Y:-31.00 Z:0.650 E:0.0000
READ: read reg 49 value: 101
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 0
READ: read reg 49 value: 21
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 4
READ: Z-probe state:L
READ: zprobing...
READ: Z-probe state:H
READ: Z-probe:19.19 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:-65.00 X:54.00 Y:-31.00
READ: X:54.00 Y:-31.00 Z:0.613 E:0.0000
READ: read reg 49 value: 101
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 5
READ: read reg 49 value: 21
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 4
READ: Z-probe state:L
READ: zprobing...
READ: Z-probe state:H
READ: Z-probe:19.22 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:-62.00 X:0.00 Y:65.00
READ: X:0.00 Y:65.00 Z:0.575 E:0.0000
READ: read reg 49 value: 101
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 2
READ: read reg 49 value: 21
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 9
READ: Z-probe state:L
READ: zprobing...
READ: Z-probe state:H
READ: Z-probe:19.25 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:-60.00 X:0.00 Y:65.00
READ: X:0.00 Y:65.00 Z:0.550 E:0.0000
READ: Info:Reset Z height
READ: Printer height:174.39
READ: Info:Autoleveling enabled
READ: X:0.00 Y:65.00 Z:20.000 E:0.0000
READ: Info:Autoleveling disabled
READ: SpeedMultiply:100
READ: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:174.388 E:0.0000
READ: Info:Autoleveling enabled
READ: ok
SENT: M105
SENT: G30 S2
READ: ok
READ: Transformation matrix: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
READ: Info:Autoleveling disabled
READ: SpeedMultiply:100
READ: X:0.00 Y:0.00 Z:174.388 E:0.0000
READ: Info:Autoleveling enabled
READ: Info:Autoleveling disabled
READ: read reg 49 value: 101
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 5
READ: read reg 49 value: 21
READ: read reg 53 value: 0
READ: read reg 57 value: 0
READ: read reg 45 value: 6
READ: Z-probe state:L
READ: zprobing...
READ: Z-probe state:H
READ: Z-probe:19.34 Step Variation from Probe to bed Distance:-53.00 X:0.00
Can this be fixed? Do I need a new hot end??

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Re: Damaged autolevel

Post by Jimustanguitar »

Perhaps somebody else can chime in on the logs. A red flag isn't jumping out at me, but it's been a long time since I've attempted a print on my accellerometer probing machine. Even longer since I probably would have had it hooked up to a host program to watch the command window in real time...

I'd check that all of your wires are fully inserted into the hotend connector, and that the connector is fully seated into the accel board first. If that doesn't change the results you're seeing, I'd dig into the hotend itself. I'd suggest going through the build manual and giving it a good once over to make sure that everything is in place, appropriately attached, and that there are no open or shorted wires.
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Re: Damaged autolevel

Post by pouncingiguana »

I don't see anything wrong in that log. Looks like both probe taps at both points were an acceptable tolerance and it set the horizontal radius. Try running G29 and see if it completes successfully.
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Re: Damaged autolevel

Post by ivanhandler »

It turns out the connector wasn't completely seated. Now it calibrates, but the thermistor isn't working. So while the nozzle heats up (I know since I thought it was cold and touched it...) the temp isn't registered.

I ordered a new hot end. I am frustrated since removing a nozzle less than two weeks in use should not be so difficult. I have noticed on the Eris as well as the Max's HE280 that the nozzle removal can be very difficult and that makes removing the nozzle without delicate soldering connections being broken almost impossible. If anyone has any hints for how I can successfully remove a nozzle without breaking the hot end, I am all ears.
Mac The Knife
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Re: Damaged autolevel

Post by Mac The Knife »

Preheat. switch power off, remove nozzle. After installing nozzle, bring hotend up to temperature. switch power off, re tighten the nozzle, turn power back on.

And at all times, be careful of the wires.
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Re: Damaged autolevel

Post by geneb »

You can also use a pair of slip-joint pliers to carefully hold the heater block while you're wrenching on the nozzle.

There's no reason to replace a whole hot end to fix a damaged thermistor.

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Re: Damaged autolevel

Post by ivanhandler »

I am not cut out for this. I replaced the hot end, got a block in the hot end, had to remove the whole bowden tube (took some pulling to get the tube out of the lower extruder end) to get to the block. Removed it, put everything back together and now I am getting a communications error. Took off the bottom of the Eris to check connections, everything looks fine, nothing was unseated that I can tell. Here are the messages I get now:
Attempting connection at /dev/cu.usbmodemFD131...
READ: Êɳ֙ÚÅ´­N‚˜#ñº©ÉVîA$ÚÅ´­N‚˜#‘ͱÊɷҚÚÁ´­J‚˜#ñº©ÉVîA™ÚÅ´­N‚˜#‘ͱÊɷ֘ÚÁ´­J‚™2†º­ÉVêAÚÁ´­J‚™2†V*ɐVîA™%ÚÅ´­N‚˜#ñº©ÉVêA™%ÚÅ´­N‚˜#‘ͱÊɷ֞ÚÁ´­J‚™« º­ÉVêA™ÚÁ´­J‚™« º©ÉVîAÚÅ´­N‚˜#‘ͱÊɷҜÚÁ´­J‚™6†º­ÉVêA™‚º(W͞Ҙ#ñ¿¬G†…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘-å±Cu™#Ñ·†…‘)å±Cu™#Ñ·†…‘)åµGu™#Ñ·†…‘-å±Gu™#ѳ†…‘-åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘-å±Cu™#Ñ·†…‘-å±Gu™#ѳ†…‘-åµGq™#ѳ‚…‘)å±Cu™#Ñ·†…‘)åµCu™#Ñ·†…‘)å±Cu™#Ñ·†…‘)åµGu™#Ñ·†…‘-å±Gu™#ѳ†…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘)åµGu™#Ñ·†…‘-å±Gu™#ѳ†…‘-å±Gq™#ѳ‚…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘)å±Cu™#Ñ·†…‘-å±Gu™#ѳ†…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘-å±Cu™#Ñ·†…‘-åµGq™#ѳ‚…‘)åµGu™#Ñ·†…‘-åµGq™#ѳ‚…‘-å±Gu™#ѳ†…‘-å±Cu™#Ñ·†…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘)å±Cu™#Ñ·†…‘-å±Gu™#ѳ†…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘-å±Gu™#ѳ†…‘-å±Gu™#ѳ†…‘-å±Gu™#ѳ†…‘)åµGq™#Ñ·‚…‘)å±Cu™#Ñ·†…‘-åµGq™#ѳ‚…‘-å±Cu™#Ñ·†…‘-å±Gu™#ѳ†ñê»+á¸#ñ¡gݞ¨Ý´-«ÙµsAµÁ´-®¤¬VÙ»î#Ù±+÷ِ¯éº.q$˜˜–˜˜–˜˜þ˜þ˜˜˜˜˜þ™þ˜˜˜˜˜þ˜þ˜˜˜˜˜þ˜þ˜˜˜˜˜þ˜þ˜˜˜˜˜þ™þ˜˜˜˜˜#ñ¢V®Aª¨¦Ê˜&6†¨‹Ýº-OÁ³K…Ñ–*º˜‚ªº˜u˜þ˜˜˜#ñ«Í±®RÙ¼*Ù½S˜#Q—嚆ų-Wå·«ŠÍº¢Ýµ/Ù±Wã͖å6‚V.ɐVêA™%ÚÁ´­J‚™¤ º©ÉVîAœ&ÚÅ´­N‚˜#‘ͱÊɷʚÚÁ´­J‚›#‘ɱ
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READ: ÊɳΜÚÅ´­N‚ž«¤º­ÉVêA›ÚÁ´­J‚˜#‘ɱ
READ: ÊɳΟÚÅ´­N‚˜#‘ͱÊɷʙÚÁ´­J‚˜#‘ɱ
READ: ÊͳΝÚÅ´­N‚œ6‚V.ɐVêA›ÚÁ´­J‚˜#‘ɱ
READ: ÊͳΞÚÅ´­N‚Ÿ«¤º­ÉVêA˜‚º(W͚…‘ɱ
READ: ÊͳҘÚÅ´­N‚›R¤º­ÉVêA˜&ÚÁ´­J‚« º©ÉVîA‚¾,Sɞ…ñº©ÉVêA™‚¾,W͞ʝ#‘ͱÊɷҙÚÁ´­J‚˜#ñº­ÉVêA™$ÚÁ´­J‚˜#‘ɱ
READ: Êͳ֚ÚÅ´­N‚˜#ñº­ÉVêA™ÚÁ´­J‚˜#‘ɱ
READ: Êɳ֜ÚÅ´­N‚˜#ñº­ÉVêA™ÚÁ´­J‚™6†V*ɐVîA%ÚÅ´­N‚˜#ñº­ÉVêA™%ÚÁ´­J‚˜#‘ɱ
READ: Êɳ֞ÚÅ´­N‚˜#ñº©ÉVîA™ÚÅ´­N‚™«¤º­ÉVêA™ÚÁ´­J‚˜#‘ɱ
Testing plaintext communication protocol...
Testing binary communication protocol...
Testing alternate communication protocols...
Attempting RTS reset and trying again...
Connection failed.
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Re: Damaged autolevel

Post by geneb »

That's classic baud-rate mismatch.

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Re: Damaged autolevel

Post by ivanhandler »

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