Artemis 300 Simplify3D Profile

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Unknown Target
Posts: 42
Joined: Thu May 28, 2020 11:01 pm

Artemis 300 Simplify3D Profile

Post by Unknown Target »

Hey everyone,

I've been using this profile for quite awhile; I was hesitating to share it because I use a larger nozzle but then I realized that people will still find this useful to tweak.

Attached is a Simplify3D profile that I have tested and validated extensively. It supports dual extrusion and I have tested it with changeovers during a print as well. It is currently set to a 1mm nozzle diameter but to change it to the standard .5 I would adjust these settings:

.5mm nozzle
Flow rate of 1.0
Layer heights of .4, .3, .2 (you can mess with these to go lower if you want).
Slowly move speeds up from 25mm/sec to your desired speed.
Increase fan speed. Mine right now is set to 0.

Tested filaments:

*Require further tweaking.

This is the profile I used to mass manufacture my custom 3D printed respirators:, so you can see a use case here (made with TPU).

Hope this helps!
SeeMeCNC Artemis 300 - Elevons Dual
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