I've got a used Rostock Max V3 that isn't working. Prints fail every time with a jam. I've some history of what I tried to do to fix this (a couple of years ago) below. Basically, it was jamming constantly and I decided to get a replacement HE280. I thought that would solve everything, but it didn't.
I'm selling this printer as-is. I got tired of trying to fix the problem and the printer has been sitting unused since early 2019. You could use it for parts or you could put in some effort and fix it. Honestly, it might be an easy fix for someone who has more patience and/or knowledge than me. Or it might be more difficult.
I'm in Austin, Tx. For a reasonable fee, I will deliver this to you personally if you're in Texas. Or you can come pick it up. But I don't want to ship out of state.
Reasonable offers only. The HT280 itself is *probably* not the problem, and cost me $185. Plenty of other parts that work fine. Thanks!
Some troubleshooting history:
I bought a replacement HE280 for my Rostock Max V3. I set it up and printed with it a couple of times, each time ending with a jam. I then found your support document, "HE280 Not Consistently Extruding Filament / JAM" and followed the instructions, including using the printed PTC tool.
When I tried printing again, the hot end was still jammed. At this point I removed the hot end and spent some time trying to clear out anything in the "tunnel" within the hot end. At 1st I couldn't get filament to go all the way through it, but I finally was able to get filament in one side and out the other.
Tried printing again and it was jammed from the start. No filament came out the nozzle. Tried whole process again and same result.
I removed the hot end and pulled out the liner. I am not sure if there's a tapered side, but I can see that the liner walls are thicker on one end, so I put that end on the bottom (nearest the nozzle). I put it all back together and tried again. It extruded enough filament to get about 2/3 done with the 1st layer of a small print. Then the flow seemed to taper off, until it jammed again.
I verified that the heat-sink fan is spinning. I've tried a different nozzle. Still same thing is happening. It extrudes fine until I stop manually feeding. If I stop for a few seconds, it jams. I've tried temperatures from 180C to 220C. Same thing happens.
Rostock Max v3 for sale for parts
The new for 2016 RostockMAX v3!
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