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Rambo 1.1b config as it is new?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:03 am
by Xavier
I have a stock out of the box Rambo 1.1b and I'm wondering what the config files are. Or how to read them off the Rambo... Or?



Re: Rambo 1.1b config as it is new?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:57 am
by cambo3d
if you got it from seemecnc, it comes preloaded with john olys version of repetier firmware, which is also listed in the downloads section of the website.

Re: Rambo 1.1b config as it is new?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:38 am
by Eaglezsoar
Xavier wrote:I have a stock out of the box Rambo 1.1b and I'm wondering what the config files are. Or how to read them off the Rambo... Or?


Welcome to the forum!
To read more about reading from the Rambo to see what is on it, I've been told that it cannot be done. See this link:

Re: Rambo 1.1b config as it is new?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 1:16 pm
by Xavier

Reading the info off the Rambo seems hopeless... Or at least not worth the trouble.

That leaves the old fashion way. Somebody should know what the Rambo ships with and have a copy to share.

Or the other old school way... Just overwrite what's there.

Is it marlin or repetier?



Re: Rambo 1.1b config as it is new?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 2:41 pm
by Eaglezsoar
It is Repetier and the copy SeemeCNC uses is found here:

Re: Rambo 1.1b config as it is new?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 3:18 pm
by Xavier
I plan to build a repstrap. Is the firmware the same for a delta and a Cartesian printer with only a change in the configuration.h or is the firmware different?

Got configs for a prusa i3 or similar with and without LCD?

Thanks for the info.


Re: Rambo 1.1b config as it is new?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:40 pm
by foshon
For a regular Cartesian you are much better off starting with the normal Repetier firmware. SMCNC's is tweaked for a delta style printer. You can get vanilla Repetier here:

Click on the "zip" button, download, extract, and install to your board with arduino.

Re: Rambo 1.1b config as it is new?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:55 pm
by Eaglezsoar
Xavier wrote:I plan to build a repstrap. Is the firmware the same for a delta and a Cartesian printer with only a change in the configuration.h or is the firmware different?

Got configs for a prusa i3 or similar with and without LCD?

Thanks for the info.

I'm not sure what is changed in the firmware to used for a delta or a cartesian. I would go to and download the firmware and flash the Rambo with that version. It would be set up for a cartesian but you would
have to modify configuration.h to your printer specifics. That would have to be done irregardless of what firmware you chose. I don't have the configs for the Prusa I3, hopefully someone else on this forum would be reading this and have
those configs. There are several forums for the Prusa I3 such as If you left a message on those forums requesting the configs I would think that someone on the forum could help you. I wish I
could be more help but I do not have any cartesian printers. There is a Repetier sub forum on here that you would probably get more answers with your Repetier questions. It is located here: The users monitoring those threads should be able to talk to you about the Repetier and what you would need to change. Open a new thread there. Best of luck with your Prusa.